Lovers of small palm trees know such a plant as dracaena. Under natural conditions, this plant can grow into a tree with a height of about 20 meters. Dracaena is also popularly called the dragon tree, because according to one of the legends, as a result of a battle between elephants and dragons, a huge tree grew from the blood of a defeated dragon, which became a symbol of this lizard.

Dracaena varieties
Gardeners and specialists count about 150 species of this plant. At home, you can find the following types of dracaena:
1. Dracaena is fragrant with wide and glossy leaves.
2. Dracaena dragon, growing to a height of about 20 meters, indoors - up to 1.5 meters in height. This dracaena has a powerful trunk and tough leaves.

3. Dracaena dermis, which is a fairly large plant and has leaves that give off blue.
4. Dracaena Goseff, which is a shrub with strong branching, as well as leaves with bright specks and dots of pink and beige flowers.
5. Dracaena Sander, which has leaves with a reddish border.
6. Dracaena bordered, which is a short species, but has large juicy green leaves bordered by a silvery stripe.
Dracaena content
Be careful when choosing where to place your pot with your plants, as dracaena is very sensitive to bright sunlight. From it, the leaves can begin to dry and turn yellow, but at the same time it needs soft diffused sunlight. Also, under artificial light, this plant feels great.
The temperature is moderate, about 20 degrees, in winter it is best up to 14 degrees.
Most moisture is required between April and November, when the plant is actively growing. Watering should be done much less frequently in winter. Also remember to spray the plant.
Dracaena soil
Combine equal amounts of leafy soil, humus and add sand, peat and turf soil. Dracaena grows very quickly, so transplant young bushes regularly once a year, adult plants should be transplanted once every 5 years.
Also, don't forget to use drainage. It is best to take high pots, and transplant dracaena in winter during the dormant period.
Reproduction of dracaena
Dracaena reproduces in two ways: cuttings and seeds.
Cut off the top of the stem and place it in a mixture of sand and peat for a month. Once the stem is rooted, it can be transplanted into a pot.
Although dracaena is a very unpretentious plant, it must be constantly fed.
Diseases and pests of dracaena
The most common pests are thrips, scale insects and spider mites. If you suspect the occurrence of these diseases, treat Dracaena with Fitoverm.
Remember that most often problems with the maintenance of dracaena arise from improper care. The main enemies of dracaena are lack of moisture, drafts and bright light.