How To Find A Swinger Pair

How To Find A Swinger Pair
How To Find A Swinger Pair

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Swing is an exchange of partners for sex. To have fun, refresh the sensations and get away from the routine, some couples start looking for something new and come to swing. You can find a pair for experiments in almost any city.

How to find a swinger pair
How to find a swinger pair


Step 1

Swing is open and closed. The first involves intimacy in front of a regular partner. Everything can happen in the same room or even on the same bed. A closed swing is also an exchange, but everyone disperses to different rooms, not giving the life partner the opportunity to watch what is happening. Determine for yourself in advance what is relevant to you. Inviting a third person is also a kind of swing, while a guy or a girl simply joins the established union in intimate caresses.

Step 2

When the decision about the experiment is made, it is discussed what exactly you want to try, it is worth offering this entertainment option to your friends. According to statistics, the first such experience often occurs precisely with those people whom they have seen more than once. It is worth choosing a couple carefully, the best friends will definitely not fit, because if something does not work out, and everything is impossible to predict, these people will disappear from your life forever. Take a closer look at the circle with which you often intersect, perhaps there are bored ones among them.

Step 3

Online dating is also a good option. Many dating sites have a section where couples are looking for another couple or someone separately. Register, fill out the form and start chatting. If you like someone, ask for a date. Do not think that everything will happen on the very first evening, this is not always the case. At first, people just meet in a cafe or club to see each other in life, to understand if they want to continue. Indeed, many things are important in sexual desire: from appearance to smell. In swing meetings, people not only make love, they also communicate, so it is better to choose people with whom you have something in common. If everything suits you, you can schedule the next meeting, but in a more secluded corner, where no one will interfere with the process.

Step 4

Swing parties are often held in large cities today. These are events that bring together several couples. At the same time, people come to get acquainted, have a good time, and if you want something more, you can relax with someone present. Such meetings are held in private homes, tourist centers, motor ships or in hotels. Usually there are no strangers, everyone understands that everyone has come in search of erotic adventures. At the same time, no one forces you to do something if suddenly the desire does not appear. This is the easiest way for beginners to get into swinging, as you can see the situation from the inside, talk to those who have been practicing for many years.
