The success and failure of interaction in a pair depends on astrological compatibility (synastry). This applies to both personal relationships and business. There are a number of synastric aspects that create conflict and misunderstanding in a pair. To see them, you need to build a synastric chart of the couple's members or seek help from an astrologer. So, the conflicting synastric aspects.

Step 1
Emotions are affected by the tense aspects of Mars (Pluto) and the Moon. The moon in the natal chart is responsible for emotions and psychological comfort, and Mars is the planet responsible for stress and conflict. If the Mars of one person connects with the Moon of another, then the owner of the Moon in such a relationship is often upset by the harshness of the owner of Mars. This can be an absolutely subjective feeling, the owner of Mars will not seem rude and harsh at all to other people, but when exposed to the moon, a reaction of resentment and disappointment is formed. At the same time, the owner of Mars may be irritated by the passivity and slowness of the owner of the Moon, and this will also be completely subjective perception. The opposition and squaring of the Moon and Mars gives about the same effect in synastry.

Step 2
Personal expression is influenced by the aspects of Mars (Pluto) and the Sun. The sun is the core of the personality, it symbolizes the very essence of a person's character, aspirations, goals and desires. When one person's Mars tensely affects the sun of another, the effect of attraction can occur. But this effect is characteristic only for the very first interaction. As the relationship develops, the aspect (connection, opposition, quadrature) begins to work as a conflict one. The owner of Mars does not understand the owner of the Sun, the man of the Sun is perceived as an opponent, irritates his position in life, reasoning and goals. At the same time, the owner of the Sun may consider the owner of Mars to be too direct, rude, active, annoying and stubborn.

Step 3
Mutual understanding and attitude to words are influenced by the tense aspects of Mars (Pluto) and Mercury. Mercury in the natal chart is responsible for the manner of expressing thoughts and for the perception of other people's words. When one person's Mars is in conjunction, opposition or square with another person's Mercury, verbal conflicts and skirmishes arise. The way the owner of Mercury expresses his thoughts annoys the owner of Mars. The owner of Mercury, in turn, considers the owner of Mars to be overly stubborn and intractable. With a sufficient level of awareness and upbringing, this aspect allows for lively and lengthy discussions, but most often the tension between Mars and Mercury causes conflicts in a couple.

Step 4
The square or opposition between the Mercury of the participants of the pair does not belong to the conflicting aspects, but rather strongly affects the constructiveness of communication. Such people perceive information in different ways and express their thoughts. The way of thinking of one member of a couple is completely alien and incomprehensible to the other. For example, Mercury in Capricorn loves to structure all information, put it on shelves and simplify it to short and capacious theses. Mercury in Aries (the sign of Aries is in square with the sign of Capricorn) also likes to highlight the main thing, but only the main thing that interests him. He is not very attracted to spreading information into theses, he would rather hasten to find out all the most interesting (it will be the main thing), and will skip everything else, as not worthy of attention. This interpretation of the aspect refers to "pure" Mercury, devoid of aspects with other planets. Aspects with planets add nuance and can both improve mutual understanding in a couple, and reduce the constructiveness of communication.