How To Find Tips For The Game Find A Cat In Classmates (episode 5 And 6)

How To Find Tips For The Game Find A Cat In Classmates (episode 5 And 6)
How To Find Tips For The Game Find A Cat In Classmates (episode 5 And 6)

On the Odnoklassniki social network, the creators of the Find a Cat application invites the user to go through new levels of the game. Since the cats continue to hide, and it becomes more difficult to find them with each level, sometimes you have to use the tips for the game "Find a cat" in "Odnoklassniki".

tips for the game find a cat in classmates
tips for the game find a cat in classmates

The application "Find a cat" is very addicting, perfectly kills time, helps to become more attentive. If you have passed the first 4 episodes of the game, and are stuck on one of the levels 5 or 6 episodes, then you should not strain your eyes too much, just use our help. We invite you to read the tips for the game "Find a cat" in "Odnoklassniki".

Find the cat level 81: The cat sits between the books on the third shelf from the top at the right edge of the sheet.

Find the cat level 82: And here he hid against the background of a tree on the left.

Find the cat level 83: The animal sits at the foot of the mountain closer to the left side of the picture.

Find the cat level 84: Take a closer look at the roof of the house on the right side of the street.

Find the cat level 85: The cat below, closer to the right edge, is lost against the background of dried leaves.

Find the cat level 86: Look at the very bottom of the photo, the mustache is located closer to the right side of the picture in the grass.

Find the cat level 87: Look for the cat near the far left tree.

Find a cat level 88: If you need a hint for the game "Find a cat" in "Odnoklassniki" in this particular level, then you should take a closer look at the top of the far part of the fence.

Find the cat level 89: The cat is located just to the left of the middle of the leaf at the roots of the trees.

Find the cat level 90: Look at the girl in pink trousers, behind her you will see a little cat.

Find the cat level 91: The cat is just above the middle of the photo by the water.

Find the cat level 92: Take a closer look at the lower right part of the photo - the cat is on the corner of the house.

Find the cat level 93: And here the cat is sitting on a branch of a fallen tree.

Find the Cat Level 94: Can't you see the animal in the snow just to the left and below the middle of the picture?

Find the cat level 95: The cat is sitting on the visor on the right.

Find the cat level 96: Did you look a little to the left of the middle of the photo? Here is this mischievous cat, he was lost in the grass.

Find the cat level 97: The cat is hiding behind a nearby flower bed.

Find the cat level 98: And here he is right next to the country house.

Find the cat level 99: Take a closer look at the very edge of the photo on the right.

Find the cat level 100: The cat is sitting in flowers by the tree.

Find the cat level 101: The animal, apparently, decided to go down to the water. Here it is, at the beginning of the path.

Find the cat level 102: The cat hid in the lower left corner.

Find the cat level 103: A big black cat sits on the top right.

Find a cat level 104: Few people can do without a hint for the game "Find a cat" in "Odnoklassniki" - it's hard to see a mustache in the lower right corner of the photo.

Find the cat level 105: A sly cat climbed onto a hanger with clothes.

Find the cat level 106: Here he sits against the background of the wall at the very edge to the right.

Find the cat level 107: The cat's habitat is the bottom drawer of the ajar cabinet.

Find the cat level 108: If you look in the middle of the photo, and then lower your gaze a little lower, you can find a black cat among the leaves of the bush.

Find the cat level 109: The sly man sits in the front garden in front of the bench at the bottom of the sheet.

Find the cat level 110: Look for the cat below the middle part of the picture near the water.

Find the cat level 111: The cat sits at the support of the fence almost in the center of the leaf.

Find the cat level 112: Look down to the left - here he is, next to the sidewalk path.

Find the cat level 113: The animal is slightly to the left of the middle, closer to the bottom of the photo.

Find the cat level 114: And here we look down to the right from the middle part of the sheet.

Find a cat level 115: In this level, you can't do without a hint for the game "Find a cat" in "Odnoklassniki". It is almost impossible to see the cat among the pile of debris on the left side of the sheet just below the middle.

Find the cat level 116: Here the animal sits at the balcony door.

Find the cat level 117: We look at the pile of boards just to the left of the middle.

Find the cat level 118: The cat is located next to the lady in the white panama hat at the bottom edge of the picture.

Find the cat level 119: The cat is on the fence next to the bush.

Find the cat level 120: Find the cat just below the center of the sheet.
