The term "riff" (or "riff") is used to denote a short melodic sequence that the guitarist repeats throughout the entire piece of music. This type of technique is used in jazz and rock. In the same song, several riffs can sound, repeated in a certain sequence.

It is necessary
- - electric guitar;
- - metronome;
- - tablatures;
- - recording groups and player.
Step 1
Before you start mastering this type of technique, you need to learn how to place your left hand correctly and choose the angle of the pick. Check with an educator or professional performer. As long as you learn the elementary reefs, incorrect setting will not particularly interfere. But in the future, it may not allow you to increase the pace.
Step 2
Learn to read tablature. On them, special symbols indicate the position of the fingers on the string when playing a particular chord. Use a chord identifier. Both printed and electronic identifiers are suitable.
Step 3
Listen to a recording of the piece you like. Highlight short melodic passages that are constantly repeated. For the first time, try to choose a composition where one not very difficult fragment is constantly repeated. Riffs are most often (but not necessarily) played on bass strings.
Step 4
Look at the tablature. Determine in what order the sounds are taken. Place the fingers of your left hand in the same position as in the tablature. Try to play the melodic sequence you want.
Step 5
When you remember in what order the sounds are taken, try to determine the ratios of the durations. It is great if you have the skills to conduct, but in this case it is more important to catch the rhythm than to determine the size. Tap the rhythm of the riff several times and memorize it well.
Step 6
Play the sequence, trying to follow the set rhythm exactly. Start playing slowly, but keep the ratio of the durations. A metronome can be very useful. It is found in many guitar programs. Increase your pace gradually.
Step 7
After learning a few of the riffs of your favorite bands, try to come up with something of your own. Please note that there are laws of harmony, according to which the sequence of sounds and chords is built. Most people feel these laws. Modern computer programs can help clarify this point. For example, using the built-in table with possible chord progressions.
Step 8
Start with simple reefs. Try to avoid complex rhythmic transitions at first by creating a segment with even lengths. It can be quarters or eighths. Play them evenly, clearly placing emphasis on strong beats. Accelerate your pace gradually. Even a very simple riff can become the basis for a future song.
Step 9
Gradually move on to more complex sequences. Play records of your favorite bands and try to play along with them. This can be done even on a "mute" instrument. Supervise yourself periodically by unplugging the player and plugging in your guitar. This exercise allows you to learn how to easily navigate the bar.