How To Play Rock

How To Play Rock
How To Play Rock

Table of contents:


Rock is a direction of modern pop music, based on the use of mostly electronic instruments: guitars, bass guitars, synthesizers, etc. There are certain laws and traditions in the composition and performance of music of this genre.

The more people there are, the harder it is to play
The more people there are, the harder it is to play

It is necessary

A set of electric musical instruments and performers on them


Step 1

Since the music of this genre will be performed by the collective, the first step is to find like-minded musicians. The most common instruments in a rock band are electric guitar, bass guitar, drums. If you are going to perform not instrumental, but vocal pieces, then take care of the vocalist, you can also think about backing vocals. Additional special effects are usually synthesizer dependent. There can be two electric guitars in a group, then one performs the solo parts, and the other keeps the rhythm (respectively, the lead guitar and the rhythm guitar). Rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drums have a common name - rhythm section.

Some collectives include violin (electric or live), flute and other authentic instruments. It all depends on the chosen style and on the ability of the group leader to keep a large number of people under control.

Step 2

If you have chosen and mastered at least one of the listed instruments at the initial level, study the repertoire. Rock groups perform original songs or transcriptions of other groups - "covers". The second case is common among commercial groups.

Composing your own works can go according to three scenarios: either a person writes from the outside (an extremely rare situation), or the whole team is involved in the process, or only the author writes. In the second case, all members of the group must have some musical base, good musical taste and the ability to improvise. Each musician writes a part only for his own instrument. In the third case, a great responsibility falls on the author, since he decides for everyone and prescribes the entire song to the comma for each of the colleagues. This requires a very deep knowledge of musical composition and a clear vision of the complete musical picture.

Step 3

When the repertoire and style have been selected, a rehearsal is scheduled, in which the works are taken apart. If the music is composed by one author, then each performer has sheet music (or tablature). At his discretion, the performer can add special effects to the timbre of the instrument (echo, croaking, distortion, etc.). The author of the music can also ask for the use of special effects, if he is present at the rehearsal.

If the music is composed collectively, then one of the musicians sets the “skeleton”, harmonic, rhythmic or melodic. The rest of the performers connect to the leit-topic when they see fit.

Step 4

As in other genres of "light" music, mood is very important in rock - a kind of aggression, drive. When performing such music, the performers themselves should be "pumped", and their listeners and spectators - even more so.
