The guitar is one of the most popular instruments, and the guitarist is almost the brightest figure in the rock band. But success in performing does not come by itself, a musician must put a lot of effort and acquire a lot of knowledge in order to play beautifully.

It is necessary
Tuned guitar
Step 1
Rock guitar playing consists of two main elements: accompaniment and improvisation. Start learning with improvisation.
Before the beginning of the improvisation itself, play the pentatonic scale in A minor (Am) according to the notes or tablature: 6th string 5th fret, 8th fret; fifth string fifth fret, seventh fret; fourth string fifth fret, seventh fret; third string fifth fret, seventh fret; second string fifth fret, eighth fret, first string fifth fret. Then from the first to the sixth string in reverse order.

Step 2
When the scale is fairly smooth and free, begin the improvisation itself. Play the notes of the scale randomly to create a melody. Control your hands, don't let your hands control you.

Step 3
Learn to play scales and improvise in other keys.

Step 4
Go to accompaniment. To do this, write down guitar chords in the form of notes or tablature. You can use the records of the textbooks. Play these chords long and hard so that they sound in the same tempo, in the same dynamics, in one stroke. Make sure that all the sounds you want to make sound.

Step 5
Start learning songs. Learn as many strangers as possible, compose your own.