How To Make A Bow Tie Pattern

How To Make A Bow Tie Pattern
How To Make A Bow Tie Pattern

A bow tie is not difficult to make at home. And if a pattern and a solid dark fabric are needed for solemn occasions, then for an everyday version you can do without a pattern and pick up a light and relaxed fabric.

A bow tie can be worn for a celebration, masquerade or used as a stylish accessory in a casual look
A bow tie can be worn for a celebration, masquerade or used as a stylish accessory in a casual look

A bow tie can be made in two ways: with or without a pattern. The first method is traditional and its peculiarity lies in the fact that the bow tie will have to be tied, like a regular tie. The second option is sewn immediately in the form of a butterfly, and the girth is regulated thanks to the fastener.

To make a pattern, it is best to first set aside the required lengths of paper folded in half, and then circle the pattern on the fabric. Half part length consists of values such as:

- half-girth of the neck, which is measured along the length of the shirt collar;

- the size of the butterfly itself.

Therefore, the length of a standard tie should be postponed by folding the half-girth of the neck, 3 cm for the transition, 13 cm for the length of the inside of the bow tie, 7 cm for the length of the outside. The height of the segment that will be hidden under the collar should be 1, 1 cm. The segment continues the pattern, which is 13 cm, as indicated above. In the center of the segment, mark the highest point of the pattern - 4 cm. Its ends should be marked at a distance of 2, 2 cm from the main longitudinal line of the tie. Connect these lines smoothly. The next 7 cm segment ends with a perpendicular line at a height of 4 cm.

After that, the part must be set aside on the fabric, folded in half with the right sides to each other. Along the contour, it is necessary to add an allowance of 1-1.5 cm. The fabric should be selected dense so that it keeps its shape well. Also, a part without allowances must be duplicated from non-woven fabric.

After that, glue the non-woven fabric with an iron and sew the parts, leaving a hole in order to turn the product out.

Cut the corners and turn the tie inside out.

Sew the hole through which you turned the product inside out and iron it with an iron. The butterfly is ready!

An easier way to make a bow tie is to sew three rectangles:

- the first one, which will act as a base braid;

- the second, which will serve directly as a butterfly;

- and the third, the function of which is to fix the shape of the tie in the center of the previous part.

All elements must be cut out of dense fabric, the main part must be glued with non-woven fabric and sewn along the contour. Then, through the holes, the rectangles should be turned out and ironed out. We collect the main element in the center, and fix it with the smallest detail and sew it to the braid. Sew the fasteners around the edges of the braid and wear the resulting bow tie with pleasure!
