Rock-paper-scissors is an ancient game that originated in China. Previously, it was played by the warlords of the late Han dynasty, but now this game is loved by many schoolchildren. With it, you can win an argument, draw lots and just kill time.

Step 1
In the "classic" version, only three gestures are used - rock, scissors and paper. The stone is the hand clenched into a fist, the scissors are the straightened middle and index fingers, while everyone else is clenched. Paper is a hand with outstretched fingers, palm down.
Step 2
The game begins with the phrase "Rock-paper-scissors, one, two, three!" In various post-Soviet countries, instead of “one, two, three” there were various combinations of the type “tsu, e, fa”, “chu, va, chi”, “ko, zi, ko”, “en, den, tso”. After the phrase has been pronounced, the participants in the game must simultaneously throw out their hands in a gesture meaning the figures they have chosen.
Step 3
The paper covers the stone, the stone blunts the scissors, the scissors cut the paper. Thus, all participants have an equal chance of winning. If at least three people from the company threw out different gestures, that is, there is a stone, and scissors, and paper, then a draw is declared, and the round is replayed.
Step 4
Over the years, the game "rock-paper-scissors" has undergone various changes. For example, in some areas a well is involved in it. In this case, the counting rhyme sounds like this: "Rock-paper-scissors, and you also need a well, one, two, three!". In the course of this game, the paper wins both the stone and the well, but the stone and scissors are drowning in the well. The well is shown with a gesture in the form of a loose fist. In addition to a well, a pencil, fire, water, a bottle of lemonade, a tree, a pistol, a lightning bolt, a sponge, a dragon and other things invented by children from different parts of the world can appear in the game in different countries.
Step 5
You can introduce into the game gestures that you invented yourself, not forgetting to come up with rules for which figure wins in which case. For example, in the famous TV series "The Big Bang Theory" Sheldon Cooper proposed his own version of the game: "rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock".