Forecast On The Exchange Rate And The Crisis From Pavel Globa

Forecast On The Exchange Rate And The Crisis From Pavel Globa
Forecast On The Exchange Rate And The Crisis From Pavel Globa

Not all people trust astrological forecasts, but in a turbulent time in terms of the economy, the desire to have at least some milestones in the world of finance makes humanity turn its attention to the clues of the stars. Naturally, the more famous, popular astrologers, those whose predictions have already come true, deserve trust.

Forecast on the exchange rate and the crisis from Pavel Globa
Forecast on the exchange rate and the crisis from Pavel Globa

Predictions for 2015 regarding the end of the crisis and the exchange rate were made by the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa. Of course, not always and not all of his astrological predictions tend to come true, but if you remember that 5 years ago Globa foresaw the collapse of Ukraine, and this year everyone was able to make sure that his prediction was correct, then the confidence in the astrologer increases.

So, here is a small forecast for 2015 on the crisis and exchange rates from Pavel Globa. According to the astrologer, the domestic currency will continue to fall until the value of the euro is equal to one hundred rubles. Below this level, the ruble will not fall.

Globa also said that the economic crisis in the country will last for more than one year. According to the forecasts of the astrologer, it will end in 2017, so the Russians will have to be patient for a period of about three years.

Will there be a default in Russia? The answer to this question is negative. The astrologer believes that if the default has not occurred until now, then in 2015 it should not be feared. But this does not mean that the coming year will be easy for Russians.

Globa highlighted the upcoming events not only in our country, but in the world as a whole. According to his calculations, the world economic crisis will end much later - only in 2020. He explained this date by the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn. According to the astrologer, the war in Iraq and Libya will end at about the same time.
