How To Draw A Schoolboy At A Desk In Stages Using A Pencil

How To Draw A Schoolboy At A Desk In Stages Using A Pencil
How To Draw A Schoolboy At A Desk In Stages Using A Pencil

You can portray a schoolboy at a desk in profile and full face. If this is a diligent student, then he sits upright, holds a notebook with his hand. A simple technique will help to correctly convey the features of his face. You can understand the ratio of the head and body by looking at the proportions for different ages of children.

How to draw a schoolboy at a desk
How to draw a schoolboy at a desk


Let the student sit full-face. Then, from behind the desk, only its upper part will be visible - above the belt, as well as legs below the knees. It is better to start your creativity with a picture of the student's table. It is located at the bottom of the sheet.

Draw a horizontal rectangle. This is the cover of the desk. On both sides, one leg departs from it, a desk stands on them. Draw another rectangle between the legs of the student table and the top of the desk. Its large side is equal to the length of the table top. It covers the student's lower body.

Head and face

It's time to portray him. Decide how old the child is. If he attends primary school, then the part of the body that looks out from behind the desk is 1.5 times the diameter of his head. That is, the body in relation to the head has a ratio of 1.5: 1. In high school, the proportions are 2: 1, in senior - 2, 5-3: 1.

In the place where the drawn student will sit at the desk, make a ruling according to this scheme. The easiest way is to draw a straight line that rushes up from the table top. Measure the number of centimeters on it, which you will leave for drawing the head and body.

Start with a picture of the head. If the student is still very young, let it be round. A high school student may have an oval head. The ruler will help to make the face symmetrical again. Using it and a pencil, draw a vertical line that divides the student's face in half.

Start drawing the details of the face. Take a ruler. Place it vertically, divide the circle or oval into 3 parts. Put in these places along the point. Draw 3 barely noticeable horizontal lines across the entire circle along these points.

On the first, draw the eyes. They are located symmetrically relative to the vertical line. Above them are eyebrows. Put 2 points on the second ruler - these are the nostrils. You can draw a small horizontal line in this place. This is the lower part of the nose.

Draw your lips symmetrical too. They are located between the second and third horizontal lines. Draw hair at the top, ears in line with the eyes, behind a circle or oval.

Body, legs of a schoolboy

Draw the neck, then the boy's shoulders. The child is dressed in a suit, T-shirt or shirt. Hands are pressed to the body up to the elbows. Draw them slightly bent. The lower part of the hands rests on the desk. Draw a notebook on it. The student holds the left half of the open notebook. To convey this on the canvas, draw only the thumb of the hand. The rest are under the notebook. The right hand holds a pencil. A diligent boy makes notes in it.

The back of a chair is visible behind it. Draw it as a square. It comes down to the shoulders of the child. From under the desk, his lower legs protrude from the knees. On the legs are trousers. Draw boots on the feet. Only the front part is visible.

Erase construction lines. The drawing of the student at the desk is ready.
