How To Draw A Train, A Steam Locomotive Using A Pencil Step By Step?

How To Draw A Train, A Steam Locomotive Using A Pencil Step By Step?
How To Draw A Train, A Steam Locomotive Using A Pencil Step By Step?

Drawing technique has its own characteristics. As a rule, cars, trains, and airplanes consist of pronounced geometric shapes that are quite easy to convey. On the other hand, drawing such objects requires the ability to generalize, because in a drawing it is not necessary to convey all the small details. Knowledge of the laws of perspective is also desirable, especially if you are depicting an object from a complex perspective. Despite these subtleties, even a novice artist can draw a train or a car.

How to draw a train, a steam locomotive using a pencil step by step?
How to draw a train, a steam locomotive using a pencil step by step?

Main lines

Any train, be it a freight train or an electric train, is strongly stretched horizontally. This can be seen even in the picture, which is very useful to consider before starting to draw. A toy is also suitable as a nature. The sheet must be laid horizontally. It can even be cut in half lengthwise. Draw a long horizontal line from the bottom edge of the sheet. Mark the length of the locomotive on it.

Consider a steam locomotive, roughly estimate the ratio of length and maximum height. Draw a vertical line in your mind through the highest point and see where it crosses the horizontal line you drew. Convey this ratio on paper. On the vertical line mark the heights of small and large wheels, cab, windows, doors, roof, chimney. Draw thin horizontal lines through all the marks.

It is convenient to have two simple pencils at hand - 2T or T and 2M.

Largest details

On one of the horizontal lines, outline the main details - recesses for the wheels, the position of the cab, windows. Look at the shape of the lines that bound the path to the right and left. Sketch these lines. Circle with a thicker pencil lines that will not change in the future - for example, the gap between the pipe and the cabin, the segments between the wheels.

You should always have an eraser on hand, but try to draw lines so that they can then be hidden under the hatching.

Protruding parts

Find a place for protruding parts - pipes, cabins, etc. Look carefully at what shape they have. The pipe is quite often in the form of a cylinder or an inverted truncated cone. The latter option is typical for stylized images. The pipe must be symmetrical, the cab is optional. Round the corners you want.

Outline the details with a softer pencil. Refine the side lines, draw the details that are on them - for example, the hitch. If you want to add carriages to the train, draw several long rectangles. The roofs of the trailers can be straight or convex.

General form

Draw the wheels with double lines. Pay attention to how they are connected to each other - there is a crank between the axles of the two wheels. Draw small details on the roof, circle them. At the same stage, draw windows and doors, if your model has them. The sketch is ready.

If you are going to paint your steam train, remove the extra lines, leaving only the basic outlines. If you want to get a pencil drawing, shade your locomotive. Pay attention to how you need to place the strokes. On a rectangular piece located directly in front of the viewer, they lie strictly vertically or horizontally.

If the part is at an angle, the strokes are applied parallel to the lower and upper contours. They can be vertical, but then in that part of the surface that is farther from the viewer, the shading becomes denser. The round shape is also conveyed by strokes. For example, a cylinder has lines running vertically, with the thickest shading at the edges.
