If you want to make a feminine fancy dress, but don't want to party in a lush, uncomfortable dress, build a goat costume. Comfortable and lightweight, combined with heels and makeup, it will look both feminine and ironic.

Step 1
Prepare a headband to attach the horns and ears to your head. Sew a fabric over the entire area. Choose any gray or white non-stretch fabric. If possible, you can trim the headband with faux fur.
Step 2
Make papier-mâché horns. To do this, prepare a sculptural plasticine base. Make two equal cones of the desired length, they can be left straight or slightly bent back. Cover the blanks with pieces of paper, alternating layers smeared with glue and water. Leave the papier-mâché to dry for 2-3 days. Cut the finished horns along the bottom edge by about a centimeter, bend the valves outward and use them to glue the horns to the rim.
Step 3
Draw a pattern for the ears. It should be an almond-shaped figure 12 cm long and 7 cm wide (at its widest point). Transfer the pattern to the fabric. You will need two parts for each ear. Fold them right side up and sew around the perimeter, leaving a small hole. Turn out the ears, lay another line, stepping back 1 cm from the edge. Insert a hard wire into the resulting drawstring, then sew the holes by hand. Sew the finished ears to the headband and bend the wire frame, copying the shape of the ears from the photo of the goat.
Step 4
Sew a jumpsuit out of light gray or white fabric. To make a pattern, circle any of your T-shirts and pants on the paper. Join the top and bottom of the drawing into a one-piece jumpsuit. Sew it on a typewriter, inserting a zipper in the back from the collar to the waist line.
Step 5
To associate the costume with the chosen character, paint wool on the fabric. Place polyethylene under the top layer to prevent paint from seeping onto your back. Draw decorative curls all over the surface. You can use cold batik paints or a fabric marker to do this. A drawing made with paint usually needs to be fixed with an iron.
Step 6
Sew a small ponytail from a piece of fur. Draw a petal pattern 7 cm long and 5 cm wide. Cut out the details by cutting the fur on the wrong side with a razor blade. Join the two pieces with a hand blind stitch. Sew the tail onto the jumpsuit.