The eighth representative of the twelve-year cycle, represented by animals from the eastern zodiac, the Goat, corresponds to the beginning of Yin. The main element of this sign is Fire. The positive qualities of the Goat include her modesty and generosity, sincerity and peacefulness, and the negative ones are indecision and a tendency to whims.

The Goat (Sheep) is a dual sign, which can be clearly demonstrated by the example of well-known and talented people who were born in the year of his patronage. Comparing the attitudes of Franz Kafka and Jaroslav Hasek by the nature of their work, one can note the gloomy and mystical style of performing literary works by the first and the particular lightness of the prose of the second.
It should be noted that the Goat belongs to the dramatic signs together with the Snake and the Rat, which is expressed in the extreme degree of its perception of the world. After all, when representatives of this sign are happy and have fun, they radiate a good mood to the whole world around them, and in case of sadness they are ready to go into a serious depression.
The period of time when representatives of the Goat sign, which is associated with "yin fire", have the greatest energy - from one to three in the afternoon. The most optimal combination of the Goat is observed with the Scorpio. Depending on the elements, Goats are divided into fire, earth, metal, water and wood.
Characteristics of the Goat, depending on belonging to the element
The Metal Goat (1931, 1991) in the eastern horoscope under external bravado, when she seems resolute and firm to others, hides hurt pride and special sensitivity. Her acting qualities are enhanced by the elements, which is why she strives all her life to join beauty and grace in all forms. The goat zodiac sign, in the desire to achieve perfect harmony with the outside world, becomes a hostage of this. Therefore, people of this sign hardly endure changes, are jealous and overly expose their loved ones to their care, strive for power.

The Fire Goat (1967, 2027) expresses her artistic ability primarily through humor. This sign perfectly manages to play other people's roles, imitating other people. She successfully hides her weak qualities from prying eyes and flaunts her strengths. The goat loves to surround itself with space with personal comfort, and therefore seeks to live separately from its parents. And the propensity to waste can negatively affect business qualities. The element enhances energy and assertiveness in the representatives of this sign, openness and emotionality, grace and a penchant for fantasy. They often join the army of introverts, creating their own inner world, which can be very different from reality.
The Earth Goat (1979, 2039) differs from other representatives of this sign in the greatest optimism and independence. Despite the fact that she is quite strongly attached to her home and loved ones, she is characterized by independence and preservation of personal space. This type is characterized by talkativeness and solicitude. In the financial aspect, the Goat will look for a middle ground when one should not be overly prudent, but also not be subjected to unnecessary spending. In the Sheep, under the influence of the elements of the Earth, such contradictions coexist as frivolity and a desire to respond to the call for help to people. These representatives of the sign are able to hide their emotions, however, those who still dare to criticize them can undergo violent attacks.
The Water Goat (1943, 2003), due to its special appeal, is always surrounded by fans. She is popular, and if necessary, a lot of people will respond to her call for help. The water gave the Goat the ability to adapt. Representatives of this sign are endowed with shyness and prefer to be close to those on whom they can confidently rely. Passive life position, expressed by the phrase "go with the flow", refers to her, just as opportune. It is those people who will be able to have the greatest impact on this type of Goat who will become her environment. However, in the case when it is necessary to make an independent decision, then, other things being equal, she will be inclined to things that are familiar to her. They are afraid of the unknown and changes, so the lifestyle of such people does not change for a long time.
The Wood Goat (1955, 2015) is distinguished by a special positive life position. This type of Sheep is distinguished by high morality, readiness to fulfill the desires of other people, thoughtfulness and humor. Under the influence of their element, Goats of this type are endowed with generosity and perseverance in achieving their goals. Despite the common qualities of this sign, such as laziness and frivolity, they are eloquently characterized by the following epithets: kind, caring, trusting, stubborn. It is they who are most likely to be lucky in the form of making a profit from an unexpected source (for example, an inheritance from distant relatives).
Goat man
It will be very convenient and comfortable for any woman to be close to a man born in the year of the Goat, since he is always distinguished by special docility and good nature, artistry and a penchant for beauty. It is lightness and gaiety that will fill ordinary everyday life with vivid impressions of a real triumph of life.

But we should not forget that the Goat is prone to aggression if something is not to her liking. Men of this sign are often said to have "seven Fridays for the week." After all, their excessive inconstancy does not allow others to be sure that they are in control of the situation. Such men are rarely really interested in some kind of problems, since their life concept is built on the basis of the principles of lightness and grace, which by definition exclude the solution of important issues. Their weak character and irresponsibility make them very vulnerable from the moment they leave their home, when all aspects of life become relevant at once. However, the Goat man has a secret weapon in the form of a special charm and charm, which allows him to easily find a common language with serious partners and allies. It is this quality that keeps them all chances to “be afloat”, achieving decent material and social well-being. In addition, their romantic partners should take into account that they are characterized by inconsistency in relationships, which often provoke them to new hobbies.
Goat woman
Since the sign of the Goat has exactly the feminine principle, the “ladies'” version in this case can be considered the most justified. Special intuition allows such women to successfully realize themselves as psychics. However, in this field, such women should learn to distinguish reality from fiction, conditioned by rich imagination. Moreover, a well-developed intuition directly affects the logic, which is in an oppressed state. Therefore, such representatives of the fair sex cannot reasonably argue by determining the order of things.

The love of such women is expressed in seduction, flirting, seduction and intrigue. The Goat woman, as a rule, seeks to have both a husband and a lover in her life, thereby creating an atmosphere of increased attention to her female charms around herself. The people around will always be surprised at the special ability of the Goat-woman to furnish her life with the maximum comfort of the romantic aspect. They easily marry successful and influential people, which creates objective conditions for their successful improvement.
Children born under the influence of this sign
The younger generation of people born in the year of the Goat is distinguished by special friendliness and kindness. It is typical for children of this sign that they always put the family first. Therefore, it is very painful for them to endure the quarrels and divorces of their parents. Their suspiciousness and sensitivity completely exclude a comfortable existence in a family, where a quarrel between parents can take place in front of a child. Otherwise, their disturbed psyche will inevitably lead to subsequent scandalous and quarrelsome behavior in adulthood.

Children-Goats can always decorate the life of their parents with love, because innate friendliness creates a special atmosphere of joy and happiness in the family. However, along with positive character traits, this type of children also has negative qualities. These include resentment and stubbornness. Therefore, after the words of criticism in their address, they, as a rule, arrange scandals and quarrels. But this can be easily avoided by prudently ironing out the rough edges with exhortations and persuasions.
In addition, the Goat child is a carrier of many creative talents, which include artistry and quick wit, good memory and the ability to form a deep inner world. But the latter quality can play a disservice, when the world of dreams clearly prevails over reality, which will directly affect the adequacy of attitudes and behavior. However, with a properly built relationship with a child, parents have every chance to raise a wise, modest and sympathetic person.