How To Play "Goat"

How To Play "Goat"
How To Play "Goat"

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An exciting card game "Goat" is designed for two or more people. You can play in pairs or every man for himself. For each round, points are calculated and points are awarded to the losing participant. The player who scores 12 points is considered a loser.

Suited playing cards to move
Suited playing cards to move


Step 1

For the game "Goat" use a deck of 36 cards, you will need cards from six to aces. If you have a deck of 54 cards, then set aside the extra deuces, threes, fours, and fives. You don't need cards with a jester and poker.

Step 2

Two or more people can participate in the game, if a large company of players consists of an even number, then it is possible to split into 2 teams and play "pair on pair" or "three on three". When playing two teams, players are seated at the table alternately from each team.

Step 3

Shuffle the cards thoroughly and deal clockwise to each player one at a time, and so on several times, so that in the end each player has 4 cards. Open the trump card by randomly sectioning the deck and showing one card. Return this card to the deck, it should not "glow" on the game table as in the game "Fool". All players need to remember the trump suit.

Step 4

In the game "Goat", the rule is that the player who dealt the cards moves. The exception is the trump hammer, that is, when you have 4 trump cards in your hand. You have the right to move with several cards that are of the same suit. The more suited cards you have, the less chance your opponent has to beat your run.

Step 5

You can beat the opponent's card with the highest card of the same suit or a trump card. Keep in mind that in this game, ten is older than the king. If the enemy made a move from several cards, you need to cover all cards. When you do not beat at least one of his cards, you will have to discard the number of playing cards from which the competitor entered. Be sure to fold cards face down. In this game, you cannot beat by choice, that is, if the enemy entered with 3 suited cards, and you do not beat one of them, then your fate is to throw off 3 cards.

Step 6

Each move, the players take turns in the direction of the clockwise movement - first the dealer, then the one sitting on his left hand decides to hit or fold, then wait for the next player's action, and so on until the first player. The one who interrupted all the cards takes the broken and discarded cards, the same person makes the next move. If all players have thrown off their cards, then the same player makes a move again.

Step 7

If you fold cards to your opponent, try to "present" him with the least amount of points. Remember that cards from six to nine are 0 points, jack is 2, queen is 3, king is 4, ten is 10 and ace is 11 points. Try not to throw off the trump suit, it may still be useful to you. If you play as a team, you need to throw off your friend the maximum number of points only when your move is the last one or you are sure that your opponent on your left will not interrupt the cards.

Step 8

After each release, you and the players take turns taking one top card from the deck clockwise, so that each again has a set of 4 playing cards.

Step 9

After the game has been played, calculate the points of the "conquered" cards. It doesn't matter if you played together or as a team - the victory will bring you the number of points over 60. The result when you have less than 60, but more than 31 points - is estimated at 2 points. The number of points less than 31 will bring you 4 points, if you have not earned points, you will receive 6 losing points. The one who scores 12 points is considered the loser.
