How And Why To Clean Purchased Amulets, Talismans, Amulets

How And Why To Clean Purchased Amulets, Talismans, Amulets
How And Why To Clean Purchased Amulets, Talismans, Amulets

Purchased amulets, talismans and charms require special cleaning after purchase. But why exactly do this? How to cleanse magic items? And how often should this procedure be repeated?

How and why to clean purchased amulets, talismans, amulets
How and why to clean purchased amulets, talismans, amulets

A person, making an amulet, talisman or amulet for himself with his own hands, puts his thoughts, emotions and feelings, strength and energy into this little thing. In the process of creation, charging and activation of a magical thing can occur. It will work exclusively as the creator wishes, direct its forces towards its owner. A special invisible connection is established between the master and the magical products he has created with his own hands. However, purchased magic items do not have such features.

Cleansing an amulet, talisman or amulet purchased in a store or esoteric shop is a mandatory procedure. After all, it is important that before activation and tuning the thing is “clean” in terms of energy. So that she was ready to absorb new thoughts and feelings. It is easier to work with purified amulets, talismans and charms, they perform their functions more efficiently, and their connection with the owner becomes strong.

The two easiest ways to clean amulets, charms and talismans

You can clean magical things in different ways. The simplest solutions are cleansing with water and cleansing with air. The latter option is especially relevant for dream catchers.

Having decided to cleanse an amulet, talisman or amulet using the water element, you must use only running water. She will take with her everything unnecessary that could "stick" to the little thing in the process of creation. Water can be river or tap water, but it must be in motion. You should not dip a magic talisman, talisman or amulet into standing water, there will be no benefit from this.

If a piece is made of materials that cannot actively contact with water, then it is recommended to turn to air. The selected item must either be hung on the balcony so that it is blown by the wind, or put on the windowsill by the open window so that there is a stream of air from the street. Additionally, with this method, a sun / moonlight cleaning process can take place. It is necessary to leave the talisman, amulet or amulet in the air for at least a day. After that, it can be activated, charged and used for its intended purpose.

Cleaning a talisman, amulet, talisman using the four elements

Cleansing a magical item using the four elements is a common practice. This approach is especially true for personal amulets and talismans. However, it can also work for charms.

The following materials are required for the purification process:

  • running cold water collected in a clean glass container;
  • a little salt, cooking or sea salt is suitable; if possible, it is better to replace the salt with sand, but you must collect it yourself;
  • incense stick; the choice of the smell depends, first of all, on what magic object is exposed to, what it is aimed at; you can also choose neutral natural aromas, they are universal;
  • lighted candle; the color of the candle in a cleansing situation is not important.

The cleaning itself takes place in several stages. First, an amulet, talisman or amulet is lowered and buried in salt, which personifies the earth. In the process, you need to think about how salt relieves the purchased item from all unnecessary. The next step is air cleaning. The incense must be set on fire, and the magic object itself must be fumigated with smoke for some time. Then turn to the water element. You do not need to dip the thing in water, just sprinkle it a few times. The final step is fire purification. Here you should be careful not to light up the amulet, talisman, amulet. The magic item needs to be wrapped clockwise several times around the candle light.

After cleaning is completed, a purchased amulet, talisman or charm can be immediately charged and used.

How often do you clear magic attributes?

Purification should take place not only immediately after the acquisition of an amulet, amulet or talisman. It is recommended to repeat it at least once a month in order to renew the energy, to rid the magic object of the influence stuck on it. Then it will work properly and powerfully.
