How To Charge A Purchased Talisman

How To Charge A Purchased Talisman
How To Charge A Purchased Talisman

Even the best talisman or amulet requires fine tuning for the owner after purchase. You can set up in different ways, however, you must first clear your talisman.

How to charge a purchased talisman
How to charge a purchased talisman

How to clean a talisman?

If you bought a talisman from an esoteric or astrological store, it is very important to clean it up. After all, he lay on the shelf for an unknown amount of time, and besides, there is no guarantee that the manufacturer or store owner did not try to set it up on himself.

To clean any object, you need to hold it over a candle flame. It is advisable to mentally imagine how black negative energy burns up in a fire.

The talisman not only serves to protect a person, but can be used to speedily achieve happiness and well-being. A good talisman attracts the circumstances and situations necessary for its owner. Charging and activating the talisman requires the participation of natural forces. For a talisman to work well, it must be connected to the whole world.

Do not give the talisman to third parties, it will dispel its spell, deprive it of energy.

How to charge the talisman?

Any talisman must be endowed with the forces of the four elements. You must collect these powers and place them in an amulet. For the best result, the talisman must be introduced to the elements gradually. It is advisable to follow a certain order.

It is worth starting with the forces of the Earth. To fill an object with them, you need to bury it shallowly for a while. It is best to do this in nature, so that the energy of the surrounding space is clean, does not contain anger and violence. For your purposes, a dacha is perfect, where the land is not only clean, but also its own, which is very important. Before burying, wrap the talisman in cotton or linen.

Next, you need to charge the talisman with fire. Light a candle, hold the talisman over its light, mentally form a request for this element so that it "revives" the talisman with itself. To fill the talisman with the energy of water, hold it under a stream of clean water. A natural source is best.

Don't buy synthetic amulets. Bone, wood, leather - all these materials are more suitable for a high-quality talisman.

In order for the air to settle in your talisman, hang it in the window opening so that the air jets surround it from all sides. It is desirable that the talisman hang in this state for at least a day, so it is better to charge it in the warm season.

To complete the charging of the talisman, perform the solar ritual. Place the item in a place that is exposed to direct sunlight. Let it lie there for as long as possible (but not more than daylight hours). Approach the talisman from time to time, direct the flow of energy to it. Bring your palms to it and imagine how viscous, dense and hot energy pours from your hands into a talisman. When the sun disappears over the horizon, grab the talisman and put it on to complete the charge.
