How To Charge The Amulet

How To Charge The Amulet
How To Charge The Amulet

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From the moment Adam and Eve left Eden, people began to passionately need the protection of at least some powerful otherworldly forces. The first amulet appeared after the most dangerous predator was killed by ancient people while hunting, and its fangs were removed as battle trophies to protect against evil spirits. However, it is not enough to find a suitable amulet or talisman. It is important to properly energize it.

How to charge the amulet
How to charge the amulet


Step 1

First of all, remember that the mystical rite must be taken seriously, otherwise there will be no magical effect. Include in the ceremony all four elements of nature: air, fire, water and earth. To do this, choose a secluded place in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir (only natural). Make a fire, take off your shoes. Concentrate and reach out to the forces of nature with prayer or song.

Step 2

When you feel that contact with the higher forces is established, sprinkle the amulet with damp earth, then wash it with water from a reservoir, hold it over the fire and dry it in the air.

Step 3

During the ritual, turn to the elements, ask them to endow the amulet with strength and certain qualities, and in the end, be sure to thank nature for her mercy and favor.

Step 4

If you need to charge a shungite amulet with energy and strength, practice creating mental images.

Imagine yourself as a vessel filled with pure energy. It is not difficult to do this - just mentally transfer yourself to a pine forest, where the bright sun breaks through the centuries-old trees. The air is so clean that it makes you dizzy. The sun stretches out its gentle hands and fills you with strength.

Step 5

Now direct all the sun's power to the shungite amulet. Feel the sun rising from within a small stone. Do not forget to program the amulet: say kind words, ask to protect the owner, that is, from the evil eye and evil people.

Step 6

If you are a believer, read the prayer, preferably repeating it seven times. Now bring your open palm to the charged amulet - you should feel its power.

Step 7

You can also charge the amulet at home, it is best to do this at night, on a full moon. Place the talisman on the sill of an open window so that the light of the moon falls on it. Now talk to him and to the forces of nature, ask them for protection and intercession.

Step 8

When you feel tired, say goodbye to the amulet and thank him. However, do not remove the talisman from the windowsill, the first rays of the sun should touch it. In the morning, immediately take the amulet in your hands, not allowing anyone to take it before you. From this moment on, you are under the reliable protection of the amulet, even black magicians cannot break through it.

Step 9

Surprisingly, you can charge the amulet by burying it in earth or salt overnight (it must be thrown out after the ritual). If there is no way to bury, simply lay on dry ground overnight.
