The first rosary appeared from India in the 2nd millennium BC, in Buddhism, rosary is known from the 3rd century AD, and Christianity - from the 4th century. They are considered to be an assistant when reading prayers or mantras: they help to focus and concentrate on the main thing. In addition, in some practices, the rosary is endowed with healing powers that can heal from a number of diseases. Buying or making a rosary is half the battle. First of all, they should be charged.

Step 1
The rosary should be charged on the first day of the full moon, when the energy of even weak people gains strength.
Step 2
Before charging the rosary, be sure to take a bath, put on clean clothes. Light white candles in the room, you can turn on quiet soothing music. To charge the rosary, both a person's own energy and the energy of the Universe are used.
Step 3
Place the rosary in your left palm and stroke it gently while thinking about your needs. After that, look at the rosary, wait one or two minutes and say clearly and loudly: "I charge you with Divine energy."
Step 4
Continue stroking the rosary gently, thinking about the help it will give you. Then say the words again with the confidence and strength you are capable of. Repeat the words three, six, nine, or twelve more times. You will know when to stop. The rosary in your palm will become warm and you will feel their energy.
Step 5
When used frequently, the rosary will energize itself from the prayers or mantras you recite. And when you take the rosary in your hands, you first of all draw on the previously invested energy.
Step 6
There is a mystical affinity between the rosary and the person. To strengthen it, you need to put the rosary on your palm and imagine that they are enveloped in invisible ether. Pour this ether into your own body mentally, hold it for a few seconds and pour it back into the rosary. Thus, there is an exchange of information between the person and the rosary. They begin to understand their owner, his worries and hopes, aspirations and desires. With the help of such manipulations, one can not only improve spiritually, but also heal from many diseases.
Step 7
Do not forget to take care of the rosary and recharge from time to time: "walk", that is, charge with solar or lunar energy - put it under the light of the Moon or the Sun. And keep the rosary made of semiprecious and ornamental stones under running water at least twice a week.