How To Charge Runes

How To Charge Runes
How To Charge Runes

Table of contents:


The runes are mysterious and enigmatic, they are widely used in fortune telling and performing various magical rituals. In addition, various amulets are made to attract good luck, health, money and love. Runes must be used extremely carefully, otherwise you can harm yourself and your loved ones. By choosing the wrong formulation of the runes, you can attract failure. Before you start using them in your work, you need to charge the runes with your energy. It is best if the runes are not purchased, but made by you personally, in this case at the moment of their creation you will be able to fill them with your energy, warmth, transfer your second “I” into them.

How to charge runes
How to charge runes

It is necessary

  • - at least 7 candles
  • - 12 coniferous incense
  • - salt
  • - beer
  • - fabric for wrapping runes
  • - lace from leather or any natural fiber
  • - water
  • - wineglass.


Step 1

Arrange the candles so that they resemble the shape of Thor's Hammer. The first candle will serve as the end of the hammer handle, therefore it must be placed on the very top. Place the second candle slightly below the first, leave a little empty space so that you can put a glass there, place a third candle below this place. Place the rest of the candles according to the diagram. If you draw lines from each candle, then the drawing will look like a hammer. The axis intersection point must remain blank. To keep the candles standing, it is best to use low candlesticks, however, you can install the candles directly on a smooth floor. If you are going to charge the runes in nature, then instead of candles, you can make small fires.

Step 2

Place the hammer in a square of incense. To do this, put three incense in each corner and light them. Light candles or bonfires and place a glass of beer in the empty space between the candles.

Step 3

Start meditation and visualize the desired result. At the end of the meditation, begin to mark the runes with the name of their future owner. When applying, it is necessary to sing the name of each rune.

Step 4

Turn your face to the north and call the gods for help. Be sure to name the name of the God you want to invoke. When you call them, you can say any words, the main thing is that you feel the call in them. Before speaking the words, you need to bow slightly, put your left foot a little forward. After that, slowly begin to raise your head while lifting your leg back. At the moment of pronouncing the words, look at the sky and raise your hands high up. When all the words are pronounced in an imperative tone, slowly bring your hands together and place them crosswise on your shoulders. Now bow to the belt to thank the gods.

Step 5

Wrap the runes or amulet in cloth and wrap the string exactly nine times. Place them at the point of intersection of the hammer axis, where there is no candle. At this point, turn the bundle nine times, while clearly and loudly saying for what purpose you need the runes. At the same time, one should not rush, since at this moment energy passes from you to the runes.

Step 6

Pull the lace and unfold the fabric. As soon as the runes appear in front of you, blow on them as hard as possible while imagining how you are transferring your strength and energy to them.

Step 7

With the index finger of your right hand, touch the runes three times and, bending over the candle, say "I give you a name …!". Sprinkle the runes with water, repeating the same words again.

Step 8

Approach the incense and say the following words: "I sanctify you for the intended purpose and fill you with the power of Air." Then sprinkle with salt, saying the following: "I cleanse you with the Earth element and illuminate you for the intended purpose!" The runes are now charged and usable.
