Mikhail Nikolaevich Volkonsky is a Russian writer, playwright, creator of historical novels, and a politician.

Early years of life
Mikhail Nikolaevich Volkonsky was born into a princely family on May 7, 1860 in St. Petersburg. After completing his primary education, he entered the Imperial School of Jurisprudence and successfully graduated when he was 22 years old. After receiving his education, Mikhail got a job at the Main Directorate of State Horse Breeding. Despite having a permanent job, Mikhail found time to create the first literary works. He immediately abandoned his career when his writings began to enjoy success with readers.
Literary activity
In 1891, Mikhail published his debut historical novel entitled "Prince Nikita Fyodorovich", dedicated to the jester of Empress Anna Ioannovna, who, like the writer, came from the ancient Volkonsky family. In the same year his second historical novel "The Maltese Chain" was published. A year later, Mikhail Nikolaevich became an editor in a literary magazine called "Niva" and worked there for two years. Mikhail Volkonsky creates literary works on Russian history. In total, the writer published twenty historical works, among which were novels and stories. In Volkonsky's books, there are no plausible descriptions of life and stylistic features of the speech of inhabitants of past centuries, but there is a fascinating storyline. Also, Mikhail has compositions that tell about the life of his day, where the desire for material goods prevents people from developing spiritually. In his work, the writer reflects and preaches his own political and religious views. Mikhail Volkonsky also created the famous humorous parody "Vampuka, Princess of Africa, an exemplary opera in all respects" in which he ridiculed opera clichés. This work immediately brought him popularity.
Political activity
In 1904, Mikhail received the title of a member of the Council of the Russian Assembly, one of the oldest Orthodox monarchist public organizations in Russia. In the fall of 1906, Mikhail Volkonsky was sent as a delegate to the third All-Russian Congress of Russian people in Kiev, which brought together monarchist and Black Hundred organizations. In the spring of 1909, Mikhail was appointed chairman of the St. Petersburg provincial department of the Union of the Russian People, an organization that opposed the revolution from 1905 to 1917. After the Union of the Russian People ceased to exist, Mikhail ceased to be politically active.
Mikhail Nikolaevich died in St. Petersburg on October 13, 1917.