Once a sailor doubted the achievements of the great Columbus, saying something like: "Just think, discovered America! What's so complicated about that?" To which Columbus replied: "Of course, nothing complicated. Just like putting an egg." The sailor thought about the problem for a long time, but he did not succeed in putting the egg.

Step 1
It is quite easy to put an egg in its natural conditions. Take a small box, place straws in it, stick an egg in it, and it will happily assume an upright position.
Step 2
If you are an avid city dweller and are used to seeing eggs only in the refrigerator and on store shelves, then pour some cereals (for example, rice, buckwheat, millet) into a deep plate. Place the egg vertically in this rump and fix it.
Step 3
Take an empty plastic bottle, remove the cap. Insert the sharp end of the egg into the groove of the neck. You will get a kind of pyramid, at the top of which is a vertically standing egg.
Step 4
And, finally, the easiest way that Columbus used in his time to demonstrate his ingenuity to the sailor. Break the egg from the blunt end. Just keep in mind that the egg must be hard boiled. Place the blunt end of the egg on the table. All ingenious is simple.