The worm is a universal bait that can be used to catch all types of fish and at any time of the year. You can get it in three ways: by creating your own "worm", buying bait in the store and getting the worms out of the ground just before fishing. The latter method is considered the most popular among modern fishermen, but its success largely depends on knowing the conditions in which these or those worms prefer to live.

How to dig up a dung worm
The shortest and thinnest of all worms suitable for fishing is the dung beetle. Such a bait perfectly bites the bastard, roach and other medium-sized carp fish. It is easy to distinguish a dung beetle from other worms - its body is painted in a reddish-yellow color, and when the worm is squeezed with your fingers, a yellow liquid with a pungent and very specific smell is released. You can find dung beetle in the rotting dung and oily soil of abandoned greenhouses. This worm is not found in dry and overly moistened manure.
Where to dig an earthworm
The earthworm is somewhat larger than the dung beetle. Its body is colored light gray. In large individuals, it can also have a pinkish tint. This type of bait is used mainly when fishing with donkey fish. Despite the "high toughness" of the earthworm, many fishermen do not consider it an attractive treat for fish. You can find the bait in a well-groomed garden soil at a depth of 15-20 cm. Earthworms crawl out to the soil surface only with the onset of rainy weather.
Where to get the leaf leaf
The subfoil is a worm, the body of which is painted in a deep red color, sometimes with a bluish or purple tint. It does not need to be dug out of the ground, because the leaf leaf lives on the surface of moist soil, hiding under rotten foliage, stale straw, sawdust and wood shavings. Despite its large size compared to dung beetle and earthworm, only a few fishermen use it as fishing bait. The fact is that the worm attached to the hook quickly stops moving, while the stationary bait rarely arouses the interest of the fish.
How to get a crawl
Crawling is considered the largest worm used as bait when fishing. Its length can reach 30 cm, thickness - 9 mm. The body of the worm is covered with mucus, which prevents it from drying out and promotes rapid movement. The hunt for crawling has its own characteristics. In order to find this worm, you need to walk along park or garden paths. If you notice piles of dirt while walking, gently move them. Round holes plugged with leaves will point you to the home of the worms. Digging a crawl is useless, its moves run very deep. Come to this place when it gets dark. Shine a flashlight on the area adjacent to the hole. Crawls, as a rule, lie near the entrance to the burrow, having lowered the tail part of the calf into it. Carefully approach the "prey", grab it with three fingers and pull the worm out of the hole. Crawling is ideal for catching large fish.
How to store worms for fishing
After collecting the bait, place it in a wooden or cardboard box, preferably in a clean canvas bag, along with the earth from which you dug it. Plastic bags and cans are not suitable for storing worms.