The Magical Properties Of Violets

The Magical Properties Of Violets
The Magical Properties Of Violets

Violet (Saintpaulia) is a cute indoor flower that magically influences the decor and atmosphere in the house. This plant has special magical properties. When choosing a violet, you should pay attention to the shade of the flowers. After all, it depends on how exactly the saintpaulia will affect the energy in the apartment and on the mood, the character of the people in the family.


Perhaps the most popular are violets with purple or lilac flowers. However, there are varieties in which the flowers are white, pink, blue or red. Each of the species is endowed with its own magical powers. It is important to consider this when deciding to place Saintpaulia in an apartment.

A violet that has got into a new house reveals its magical properties gradually. This flower is very soft and delicate in energy, does not like haste, but extremely appreciates attention and care.

Purple saintpaulia

Violet with purple flowers symbolizes spiritual growth, it helps in self-development, in the disclosure of psychic abilities. Strengthens intuition, develops the gift of foresight. It is suitable as a home amulet for people who practice meditation.

The purple flower will help to shift the vector of attention from material issues towards personal growth and development. It will help you to distance yourself from the bustle of the world, to detach yourself from the world, for a while to forget about the problems and difficulties in life.

A violet of this color will bring harmony and tranquility to the house. She will relieve the negative energy accumulated in the apartment, help to improve relations between family members. Will attract peace and tranquility, create comfort.

White violet

The magical properties of the white violet lie in the fact that such a plant acts as a powerful talisman against outside influences, against stress and crisis situations. The plant will help to cope with emotional burnout and exhaustion, will have a positive effect on the nervous system, and relieve nightmares and obsessive states.

Saintpaulia with white flowers will attract love, strengthen friendships. It will help you to more easily look at minor failures, and will charge you with additional strength at the moments when you need to solve any problems.

White flowers of the plant personify calmness, purity, serenity. Such a violet will protect against depression, help to forget about complexes and intrapersonal conflicts.

Home violet
Home violet

Violet with pink or red flowers

Saintpaulia, blooming with reddish or pinkish flowers, will make sure that there are no conflicts and quarrels between family members. This variety of violets will have a positive effect on mood, strengthen willpower and faith in a bright future.

The plant is suitable as a personal talisman for people who do not know how to notice something good in life, who concentrate only on the negative and are prone to irritability, constant discontent.

Blue saintpaulia

Violet with blue flowers is a talisman for people who are engaged in art and creativity. Such an indoor flower will awaken inspiration, help in the development of talents and abilities, charge with creative thoughts and develop imagination and imagination.

Due to its magical properties, the blue violet will fill life with bright events. It will relieve apathy, laziness and boredom, add energy and make a person active, cheerful, decisive.

General magical properties of room violet

  1. The plant attracts good luck and success.
  2. Saintpaulia is a money magnet.
  3. Violet will relieve shyness, shyness, strengthen character.
  4. An indoor flower will help you relax and forget about problems, it will save its owner from a pessimistic view of the world.
  5. It will gently make you forget about loneliness, the feeling of uselessness, the feeling of inner emptiness.
  6. Harmonizes the flow of energy in the house.
  7. Will attract love. Violet is a love talisman that is especially suitable for newlyweds. She will save you from betrayal and betrayal, make family life easy and enjoyable.