Samba is a flow of energy, fun, joy and happiness. Today samba is part of ballroom dancing, and has gained its fame and popularity all over the world. Many young people today strive to learn the movements of this Brazilian dance, but not everyone knows where to start learning.

Step 1
Samba is one of the most famous, most active and popular Brazilian dances, which originated several centuries ago in Bayeux to the rhythmic beautiful rumble of drums and was quite firmly entrenched in Europe after the Second World War. Perhaps today you will not find such a person who would not like to dance samba or watch how professionals do it. This dance implies sharp rhythmic movements of the hips to the fiery Brazilian music in a bright, defiant, shiny outfit.
Step 2
How to dance samba without a pair Wear beautiful, bright clothes, including shiny underwear (bikini and bra), and a headdress made of feathers. A special samba dance costume can be purchased at the store.
Step 3
Stand in the starting position (feet together, back to the wall). Raise your left leg, bending slightly at the knee, and place it on the toe of the right, so that the weight of the whole body is directed to the right leg.
Step 4
Place your right foot on the inner edge of the toe so that your hips are tilted back slightly, and your body weight is partially distributed over your left leg. Lean completely on your left leg, transferring all your body weight to it, slide and return to the starting position when the hips are straight.
Step 5
Do all of the indicated movements by switching legs, that is, starting with the right leg. Return to starting position.
Step 6
Raise one leg, bending at the knee. Straighten your leg, place it back, about 10 cm from the other leg. This movement should be done quickly so that the leg straightens like a spring, while the camp remains exactly above the supporting leg. At the same time, remember that when making such a movement, the knees of both legs should be slightly bent. The movement is performed by squatting a little and springing up sharply.
Step 7
Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement, starting with the other leg.
Step 8
Stand in the starting position. Step forward with your right foot. Raise your left leg so that the knee is brought up to the right, and the hips are pointing slightly forward, and place it (left leg) slightly away from the right on the inner edge of the foot, while the body weight is transferred to the right leg. Repeat the movement, starting with left leg.
Step 9
Connect the first, second and third movements together, doing first 2 first, and then 2 second and 2 third on each leg. Movements should be performed, starting with the right leg and with a slow rhythm, ending with a faster and left leg. Thus, you will get 6 movements with alternating right-left leg.