Weaving as a craft was known 5 thousand years ago. Then fabrics were woven from flax, cotton, wool, silk. Linen and silk fabrics were used for clothes of wealthy people, poor people wore things made of wool and cotton. Today the material is woven in weaving factories. However, handicraft lovers are happy to weave rugs, capes and bedspreads at home, just as their great-grandmothers did many years ago. A small loom can be made for home weaving.

Step 1
Assemble the quadrangular frame of the machine: make round holes at the ends in two square wooden slats, insert two round slats of a smaller diameter there, tap them with wedges so that they do not move. In the middle of the side square rail, make grooves for installing the comb. A plywood bottom can be attached to the bottom of the machine for structural stability. On the front round rail, fill in the required number of studs every 0.5 cm to tighten the warp threads. The back rail can be used to wind up excess yarn.
Step 2
Make a comb that is 15 cm high. It can be cut from a piece of thick plywood. Its length should be slightly more than the distance between the sidewalls of the frame. The number of teeth should be equal to half of the studs packed on the main rail, the length of the teeth is -10 cm, the width is 0.5 cm, the distance between them is 0.5 cm. On each tooth of the comb, also stuff thin nails 1.5-2 cm long. the comb in place, into the grooves in the middle of the machine blade.
Step 3
Prepare a smooth wooden plank, the length of which should also be less than the distance of the inside of the machine. Stuff thin carnations on it in 1 cm increments.
Step 4
Make a weft - a movable transverse part of the machine. This can be either a device for holding a spool, or a completely separate plank cut from plywood, on which the thread will be wound. Tie equal lengths of thread to the studs on the front shaft.
Step 5
Next, divide the threads into even and odd ones. Pull the even threads and fasten them on the comb by wrapping them around the studs on the teeth. Fix the odd threads on the movable shaft, which will be located behind the comb, also wrapping hammered nails around the heads. Excess threads can be wound around the bar by turning it evenly. The result is the base of the fabric.
Step 6
Wind the thread around the weft. Attach the end of the thread to the left of the frame in front of the front rail. Raise the bar with your right hand, into the resulting shed, push the weft across the threads from left to right. Now lower the plank to the bottom of the machine, again pass across the wefts from right to left. This way, row by row, you can weave small items.