As a rule, night terrors are the same for most people. People see the same nightmares that reflect their psycho-emotional state, anxieties and hidden fears. Here are some of the most common dreams and what they mean.

See teeth falling out in a dream

It is popularly believed that a dream about rotten teeth that fell out speaks of the imminent death of someone from acquaintances, friends or family members. It is considered a very bad sign, however, this dream speaks of a person's inner experiences and it is not at all necessary that it marks an imminent death.
Rotten teeth in a dream mean a person's suffering about their appearance. He internally is very worried that he does not look the way he would like, he is afraid of condemnation and rejection of others.
Seeing a snake in a dream

Usually such a dream promises big trouble, problems at work, envy and intrigues of enemies. This one-sided interpretation of this dream is primarily due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of people feel disgust and fear at the sight of a snake, but since ancient times this animal has symbolized natural wisdom. A dream where you just see a snake (it does not bite you and does not behave aggressively) is a very good sign. Such a dream suggests that you have already managed to achieve psychological maturity and acquired life wisdom. Now you are able to neutralize the negative influence and intrigues of envious enemies.
Run away from someone in a dream

The chase is a very common nightmare. You are trying to escape from an unknown pursuer, and often he catches up with you. Usually there is an awakening in this place. This dream means your problems, which are accumulating every day, and you are in no hurry to solve them. If you know how to manage your dreams, then try to stop. As a rule, nothing terrible happens and the dream ends. If you manage to see the stalker, then his appearance and demeanor can help solve your problems in reality.
Fall from a height in a dream

Usually, such a dream is dreamed in those moments in life when you are not able to control your life, are at a loss and feel fear of future events. Uncertainty worries you very much.
Seeing yourself buried alive in a dream

A very common dream. You are trapped or buried alive. There are quite a few variations of this dream, and the sensations, to put it mildly, are not very pleasant. If you often see this dream, then it may mean your fear and despair. You cannot find your place in life, and this fact scares you. You feel like a hostage to the current situation.
Seeing yourself naked in a dream

It often happens that in a dream you find yourself completely naked, people are looking at you, and you feel completely defenseless and confused. This dream means that in real life you have problems with self-esteem. You care about the opinions of others more than you need to. You take every step in life with an eye on what they think of you, and how this act will be evaluated by your environment.
In a dream, you missed an important event.

Such a dream is associated with your constant anxiety. In real life, you cannot succeed, you cannot be realized. You have not lived up to the hopes placed on you. If you often have a dream like this, then try to worry less. Do not think that you are not doing something in life and will not be able to achieve the desired success.