Yana Alekseevna Churikova is a famous Russian TV presenter, actress, journalist and producer. The TV personality does not like to flaunt his personal life, but some facts still become the property of the general public.

Grigory Aleksanyan is the common-law spouse of Yana Churikova
It was a civil marriage with a musician, not officially registered and not too happy. The couple lived in an apartment bought by Churikova's parents. Gregory did not strive to earn money, he wanted to be content with what would be sent to him from above. Yana's career at that time was gaining momentum, and Grigory mostly sat at home, did not strive for vigorous activity, which greatly annoyed his purposeful wife.

Yana Churikova invited Grigory to her program, but this did not give any result. The common-law spouse did not strive to do something, he was not interested in it. Yana began to become more and more disappointed in her common-law spouse, quarrels began in the house. As a result, Churikova met another man (Ivan Tsibin) and broke up with Grigory without regret.
Ivan Tsybin - the first official husband of the TV presenter
This was the first official husband of the TV presenter, whom her mother introduced to Yana in 2004. Churikova at that time was not yet free, so she did not immediately accept Ivan's courtship.
Yana and Ivan first met on one of the television talk shows. At first, Tsybin did not make an impression on Churikova at all, since he was much older, moreover, he had an unremarkable appearance. After some time, young people began to work together in the television program "Idols + Idols", Tsybin was the director of this project. Intelligent and erudite Ivan conquered Yana with his business qualities. They started dating and then got married.
The marriage union, having existed for four years, broke up. Rumors constantly repeated about the TV presenter's pregnancy, but the couple did not have children. Perhaps the absence of children was the reason for the breakup. In addition, Yana devoted a lot of time to her favorite work. She enjoyed success not only as a TV presenter, but also in other areas of the media. Although things were going well for Ivan himself, he was jealous of his wife for work, since his successes were more modest. The relationship between the spouses became more and more tense. The decision to leave was made after Yana met a new love, which became the boss at a new place of work.
Denis Lazarev - the second husband of Churikova
Churikova's second marriage was concluded with a prominent businessman and co-owner of the VIVA magazine, Denis Lazarev. Yana came to work for him as an editor.. Initially, the relationship between the future spouses was purely working. However, they gradually developed into a romantic relationship.

A year after they met (in 2009), Yana became a happy mother, having given birth to a daughter, Taisia. Churikova went to work early, as soon as her daughter was six months old. At that time, Yana and Denis were not scheduled, the wedding was played when the child was one year old. It was a gorgeous banquet in one of the most expensive Moscow restaurants, with numerous famous guests.

Yana did not manage to get pregnant for a long time, she learned the happiness of motherhood quite late (at the age of 30), so the birth of a long-awaited daughter brought the spouses closer and allowed this union to hold out for quite a long time (8 years). But the second marriage also fell apart, unable to withstand the constant employment of the spouses, lack of attention.
Yana has come a long and difficult way from the leading youth channel to the head of the MTV Russia TV channel, which increased her employment at work and made it difficult to focus on her family. In interviews with journalists from various publications, the former spouses do not give any detailed comments regarding their divorce, they ask to respect everyone's right to privacy, which should not be in the public domain.
What about today? Churikova remains stubbornly silent, appearing at social events alone, without a gentleman. Yana's daughter is also not often mentioned in the press and on television. A caring mother does not consider it necessary to give any detailed information about the private life of the main person in her life, protecting the girl from annoying attention that can harm. Yana was able to take place both as a mother and as a talented professional. These achievements are the most important for her in her life.