Yana Churikova earned her first money as a child - her parents paid her to clean her own room. Then they could not even imagine how popular and in demand it would become in the Russian “market” of leading, what fees it would receive for its services and its talent.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova is a Russian actress, TV presenter, journalist, producer and public figure. And each of these her professional "incarnations" brings income. How much does Churikova earn? How to order her as a host for a frequent event, how much will it cost?
Same name or relative?
This question was asked by many, including journalists, when Yana Churikova just appeared on Russian television screens. It turned out that she has nothing to do with the popularly beloved actress Inna Mikhailovna Churikova, but is simply her namesake.
Yana was born in Moscow in early November 1978. She was born into the family of a military man and an economist. In early childhood, Yana was taken to Hungary - her father was sent there, and she went to school there.

Outward resemblance to the famous actress haunted the journalists of the "yellow" newspapers. Even when it turned out that Yana and Inna Mikhailovna had no family ties, they continued to publish tearful stories that the girl was a distant relative of a star from the hinterland, wrote how she begged for help from the eminent Churikova. This was not and could not be.
Yana graduated with honors from a general education gymnasium, at the same time she studied at a music school. After receiving a certificate of maturity, the girl entered the Moscow State University at the television and radio broadcasting department of the Faculty of Journalism.
Having received a diploma in specialized education, Yana entered graduate school, began work on a dissertation on the topic "The Influence of Television on the Socialization of the Youth Audience." There is no publicly available data on whether the thesis was defended.
TV presenter Yana Churikova's career
All that this woman has achieved in terms of her career is only her merit, the result of hard work, dedication and hard work. She began to work in a specialized direction already in the first year of study at Moscow State University - Yana Churikova filmed stories "on the head of the day", was a freelance reporter for one of the small Russian TV channels.
In order to rise to the next career step, the girl “added” herself three years, since the administration of the Biz TV channel did not even think about checking her age. So she became a full-time VJ and editor.

Already in her third year, Churikova also became a producer, a channel host. At that moment, Biz TV was renamed MTV, the broadcasting network was significantly expanded, and the audience and ratings were the largest for Russian television.
And it was a success, both for Yana Churikova herself and for the channel. Then she was invited to other, including federal "buttons", fees increased significantly, the girl became successful, and most importantly, financially independent.
Yana Churikova's fees
How much do Yana Churikova's services cost? What is the difference between the fees of TV channels and the fees of individuals for whom the star holds events? How to order this particular artist for your birthday, wedding or anniversary? Both Yana herself and her director on the official website are ready to answer all these questions.
It is not known how much the representatives of radio and TV channels, organizers of concerts and festivals pay her. The amount of fees does not fall into free access. But the cost of her services for conducting private celebrations is known - from 20,000 euros and more.

In addition, the customer will have to spend money on the travel expenses of the star presenter, her hotel room and meals. In reviews of Churikova's work at such events, it is said that she does not impose any special requirements on these points. All she needs is a clean room, a comfortable dressing room, an acceptable table, high-quality equipment on the site where she will work.
Yana's standard working time is up to 5 hours, as well as other presenters. If the event lasts longer, you will need to pay for additional hours separately. And this "pleasure" will cost more than the initial price suggests.
Personal life of TV presenter Yana Churikova
Does the star have a family and children? How does she manage to combine both personal life and career success? Yana is in time for everything and everywhere, thanks to innate optimism and activity on the verge of hyperactivity - this is how she herself speaks about herself.
Churikova Yana was married twice. Her first husband was the famous Russian director and presenter Ivan Tsybin. The man was much older than Yana, more experienced in every sense - he already had a marriage and divorce behind him. His second marriage also fell apart - Churikova and Tsybin divorced four years after the wedding, in 2008. There were no children in the marriage, and there were no mutual claims after the divorce either.

The second husband of Yana Churikova is a businessman, owner of a PR agency Denis Lazarev. They have a common daughter - Taya. The girl was born in 2009, and her parents formalized the relationship only 2 years later - in 2011. But this marriage of the TV presenter broke up, and again after 4 years. In 2015 it became known that Yana and Denis are no longer together, but sometimes they appear "in public" together. More often these are children's events, where they come together with their common daughter Taisia.
Former spouses never talk about the reasons for divorce, and it is their right to restrict outsiders' access to their personal space, to make decisions without listening to the public and not being afraid of a reaction to them from the outside.