Children Of Elena Yakovleva: Photo

Children Of Elena Yakovleva: Photo
Children Of Elena Yakovleva: Photo

Denis Shalnykh is the only son of the popular Russian theater and film actress Elena Yakovleva. Having overcome his first quarter-century of age, a young man cannot boast that, for example, he has decided in a profession or created a happy family. However, this is not the only reason for the increased interest in him from the press and regulars of social networks on the Internet.

Yakovleva with her son
Yakovleva with her son

Many children come from artistic families, following the path of their parents. Often they choose, if not theater or filming, then at least creative professions close to this craft. It also happens that the children of famous people are in the rays of glory of their star parents and openly take advantage of this. The son of Elena Yakovleva and her second spouse, actor of the Sovremennik theater Valery Shalnykh, acts completely differently. He is far from being a major player, does not drive cool cars, does not hang out in nightclubs. Denis does not like to appear in public, rarely gives interviews, does not participate in social events with his mother, tries to stay away from her fans. However, the details of the life of the heir to eminent parents are of interest to many. The reason for this was that the young man, on his own initiative, became the owner of an extraordinary shocking appearance.

son of Yakovleva
son of Yakovleva

Little Prince

On November 7, 1992, a charming boy was born to Elena Yakovleva. Coming out of infancy, the child became like a blond prince from a fairy tale: a bright kind face, a clean and open look. Denis always had a pet: first a four-legged friend of the cocker spaniel breed, then a husky. Today in the family, in addition to everyone's favorite named Dick, there are three more dogs: the Labrador Lastik, the German shepherd Barry and the Yorkshire terrier Eustace. Yakovlev jokingly says about his dogs that they guard the peace in the family. “If you raise your voice a little, they will raise an unimaginable barking. Where can we swear, we solve all the issues calmly, we live together”.

Denis with mom
Denis with mom

After school, the parents sent their son to study in England. But he returned from Oxford ahead of schedule, saying that the knowledge that they give there is unlikely to be useful to him at home. Further training took place at the directing department of the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. In parallel, he worked as an assistant art director. By the third year, it became clear that the professions associated with theater and cinema, Denis is not attracted. And at the family council it was decided to leave the institute.

I must say that as a child, Denis had a little acting experience. At the age of 11, he starred in episodes in the television series If Tomorrow Going Hike. This was followed by a serious role in the series "The Secret of the Wolf's Mouth". Denis did not act in films anymore. Recently, Elena Yakovleva attracted her son to participate in her creative work. “The Big Prince” is not a perlustration of the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and not an ordinary theatrical show, but a self-instructional performance. Stage director Dmitry Bikbaev, choreography by Yegor Druzhinin, music - Harmonia mundi orchestra. The actress plays the main role, and is also the artistic director of the production of "Theater Studio" 15 ". The play was created as part of the all-Russian charitable project of the same name. The composition of the troupe changes from show to show; children from different parts of Russia are involved in the work. This is a kind of celebrity master class for aspiring actors.

It is unlikely that the appearance on the stage means that Denis Shalnykh embarked on the path of following in the footsteps of his parents. Today, the young man realizes his creative endeavors in the musical field. Together with his childhood friend Vladimir Kotichev, he created a rock group called 2odD. The first video clip on the theme of his composition "Weight" has been published. The musicians are planning to organize stage performances.

Denis and Elena Alekseevna
Denis and Elena Alekseevna

And not a little, and not a prince

The formation of a youthful organism is associated with age complexes inherent in this process. In Denis, they appeared due to rapid growth and a tendency to gain weight. The guy drew attention to his appearance and started modeling the body. This resulted not only in a visit to the gym, but also in a rather serious hobby for bodybuilding. Shalnykh took part in all-Russian professional competitions. However, the matter did not come to reaching the international level of bodybuilding. Continuing to follow the bodybuilding fashion, he worked for a while as a fitness center trainer.

Bodybuilding and Fitness Classes
Bodybuilding and Fitness Classes

While still a student at a theater and film university, Denis became interested in technologies for creating volumetric makeup. The young man's plans are to go to Los Angeles to master the skill of plastic makeup. In the meantime, he provides himself with a living in one of the Moscow barbershops, making stylish haircuts for fashionistas in the capital.

The son of Elena Yakovleva lives completely independently and is content with what little he has. He continues to play sports, adheres to a vegan philosophy, has no addiction to alcohol or tobacco. Denis loves animals, however, in contrast to his parents' dogs, he got two cats.

Denis's personal life
Denis's personal life

His personal life is not going well. The relationship with the bright and beautiful Rita Miller, who worked as a master of the tattoo parlor where they met, lasted about two years. The novel of seemingly quite happy lovers ended in parting. The love story for Victoria Melnikova, who became the wife of Shalny in July 2017, began when a student of the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity came to fitness classes with a trainer named Denis. She was attracted by the young man's sincerity and natural gentleness. Denis, in a new acquaintance, immediately liked the creativity and behavioral non-stamping. According to Yakovleva, she immediately realized that her son had fallen hopelessly in love and a wedding was ahead. Like the first time, Denis did not hide his personal life from his mother and introduced her to his chosen one. Vika, cheerful, with a sense of humor, reminded Elena of herself in her youth. But the marriage for Denis was not successful. After a year and a half, the marriage was dissolved.

They are greeted by their clothes, but by their minds they are seen off

As is customary among young people, Shalny shares the details of his life on social networks. It is on the Internet that serious passions flare up around his appearance. The reason for this is Denis's excessive passion for tattooing, as well as piercings and scarring. It all started with a "tattoo" made from a photograph of a beloved dog. The teenager decided to spend his first earned money on this. At home, such a message was greeted with understanding, hoping that this age-related and will soon pass. However, the son became more and more involved in the process of "self-improvement" and began to resemble a painted nesting doll. Only a third of the surface of Denis's body remained free from apparatus painting, which has a far from positive theme.

Passion for tattooing
Passion for tattooing

Experts say that turning to an unusual image is not always associated with social protest or the desire to cause a sensation and a storm of emotions towards oneself from others. Often, aggressive graphics are resorted to for other reasons: to distract others from the original external data of a person; to disguise what is happening in the depths of the soul of a doubting, insecure person. Those who do not see any other way to express their own opinion turn to shocking.

The first thing Denis faced because of his unusual appearance was that tattoos more than once became an obstacle when applying for a job. And the number of hate attacks on the Internet about such an original way of self-expression is simply off the charts. It got to the point that not only Internet users, but also idle media correspondents glued the Crazy Freak label, comparing it to the freaks from the Castle Freak movie. Denis reacted sharply to the fact that he was declared a socially dangerous element, and not just ranked as a subculture that unites people who reject social stereotypes. The inability to adopt an unusual appearance and "sculpt a tag on every second with tattoos and holes," according to Shalny, is a sign of conservative thinking.

The heir to the famous actress has long admitted that he was tired of everyone's attention. Several months ago, Denis deleted his accounts, disappearing from all information platforms. But we like to "meet by clothes", but they do not intend to "see off according to the mind". Reflections and observations shared by Shalny on the Internet are ignored. At the same time, the shocking appearance of the son of Elena Yakovleva continues to excite the public:

  • The sight of a pumped-up body covered with a tattoo and scars constantly gives rise to speculation that a bodybuilder uses anabolic steroids and anabolic steroids.
  • As soon as a video clip with the participation of Denis and his partner from the 2odD group appeared on YouTube, the pages of the media and Internet forums were full of headlines that Yakovleva's son "got into a psychiatric hospital." According to the plot, which was filmed in a psychiatric hospital, the musicians played the roles of patients who had escaped from this institution.
  • Crazy's penchant for rude and cynical trolling, which he was fond of for some time on his blogs, began to be attributed to his drug use.
  • Fortunately, Instagram posted photos of his marriage and communication with girls. Otherwise, the followers would certainly have "led" to discuss the issue of non-traditional sexual orientation of a young man.

In the heat of information battles, many did not pay attention to the fact that Denis stopped extravagant experiments with his appearance and took steps to lighten his image. He changed his aggressive style to a more restrained and businesslike one. There was no defiant hairstyle, colored beard and manner of dressing in a peculiar way. For several years, new drawings have not appeared on the face and body of a young man. In one of the recent conversations with his father, answering the question whether he regrets that he was making tattoos, Denis frankly answered "Yes, I do." But what's done is done. It is almost impossible to return yourself to its former form. There are no such hardware or medications that would allow you to do this without significant harm to health. In addition to severe pain and scars, there is a threat of serious complications. Thus, the young man is a hostage to his current image.

Mom's heart is a crystal bowl

In addition to his defiant appearance and incorrect statements about haters, Denis Shalny has nothing with which he would upset his parents. He also does not commit acts that in any way discredit the family. When the Internet was swept by another wave of rumors about his drug addiction, Shalnykh agreed to take part in the “You Won't Believe It!” Program. Sheer bewilderment and rejection was caused by the position of the TV presenter, who decided to effectively present the participant in the program as "the son of an intergirl" and "the unsuccessful case of investigator Kamenskaya." Denis regarded this as disrespect towards his mother. It is difficult to disagree with him: it is professionally unscrupulous and unethical to identify the personality of the actress with the characters whose roles she plays.

Mother and son
Mother and son

Despite the fame of the informal, the son of Yakovleva is conservative in communication. He values close people, takes care of relatives. Denis has a warm and trusting relationship with his mother. At the same time, they are completely devoid of the “chicken and chicken” syndrome. A woman with a sensitive nature and emotional character, who loves her child infinitely, acts tactfully and wisely. Mom is there when her son needs her, she tries to understand, accept and support him. In her interviews, Yakovleva has repeatedly stated that Denis's outrageousness does not affect her parental feelings in any way. Mom is convinced that no matter how repulsive the son's "war paint" is, nothing will extinguish the light of his eyes. Elena Alekseevna hopes that tattoos are the worst thing that has already happened and can still happen in the life of her only and beloved child.
