Why Is Mom Dreaming

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Why Is Mom Dreaming
Why Is Mom Dreaming

Video: Why Is Mom Dreaming

Video: Why Is Mom Dreaming
Video: I Spoke To Dream's Mom 2024, December

The correct interpretation of sleep is of great importance for a person. At the moment, there are thousands of different dream books, thanks to which a person, according to the brightest moments of his dream, will be able to describe as accurately as possible all the events that await him in the near future. However, it is worth remembering that a dream is not always a harbinger of some events. Sometimes a dream is just an echo of your past.

Why is mom dreaming
Why is mom dreaming

If in your dream you see the deceased mother, then you must definitely remember her. Go to a cemetery or church to light a candle for the repose. Perhaps if you dreamed of a deceased mother, she warns you of some danger that threatens you in real life. Also, a dream about a mother who has died a long time ago speaks of your memory. It's just that her passing away from life caused you a psychological trauma, which you still cannot cope with.

Mom according to Miller's dream book

According to a well-known psychologist, if in a dream a person dreamed of his mother, this means that he is under a certain protection of some higher powers. At the same time, it practically does not matter what she does in a dream - she talks with a person, asks for help or scolds. The main thing is that the mother symbolizes a kind of core or foundation on which a person can always lean or ask for help.

For a married girl, a mother in a dream means family well-being and tranquility, as well as the devotion and loyalty of a spouse. For unmarried young ladies, a dreaming mother always means the realization of any hidden desires for the male half of the population, as well as a quick marriage proposal or a wedding day.

At the same time, if in a dream a person begins to swear and conflict with his mother, according to Miller, this means the emergence of any difficulties and an impending threat.

At the same time, it is always important to remember the end of such a dream, since the solution to all kinds of problems will depend on how the mother behaves in a dream.

Mom according to Vanga's dream book

The famous soothsayer always interpreted dreams in her own way. So, dreams associated with the image of a mother, she compares with signs of stability and complete control over life. In other words, when in childhood the mother was always there and controlled any careless movement, so now - to see a mother in a dream means to feel yourself under reliable protection in strong mother's arms. At the same time, if a mother sings songs and lullabies to a person in a dream, this means that in reality she wants to see him more often and communicate with him, as well as receive support and understanding from him.

Usually, after such a dream, a person is always advised to carefully reconsider his relationship with loved ones.

In any case, whatever the dream may be, the main thing is to interpret it correctly and, accordingly, prioritize it. After all, only suspicious and weak people find in dreams a solution to all their problems and failures, while the strong try to push these dreams to the background.
