The history of the Guinness Book of Records dates back to 1955 in London. It was there that her first edition was published, the volume of which was only 198 pages, and the circulation was only a few thousand copies. To date, this book is the most read, and many people are ready to do something that no one has ever done to get their name on its pages.

The Guinness Book of Records is an annual collection of descriptions of world records, unusual achievements of humans or animals, extraordinary natural phenomena. Someone gets into this collection quite by accident, without making any effort, for example, the owners of the tallest or smallest stature, innate unique abilities, long-livers. Others get into the most famous book in the world, breaking an unusual and sometimes even stupid record already set by someone, for example, by growing a bulb weighing more than 8, 5 kg or riding a bicycle over 9 m over the necks of beer bottles.
The most unusual records that are included in the Guinness Book
The desire of some to get into the world book of records is so great that sometimes it pushes them to completely unpredictable and sometimes even deadly actions. For example, thanks to the flexibility and the so-called gutta-perchability of her body, an Australian resident broke the record for the maximum number of crawls through a tennis racket, and she did it 7 times. A man from Georgia was able to move a truck weighing more than 8 tons, which was tied to his left ear.
Some, for the sake of a world record, are ready to sacrifice their own health and the beauty of their bodies. One of the residents of Milan set a record for the maximum number of needles stuck in his head - 2009 pieces, another man impressed the public with the most piercings, making a total of 453 punctures: 94 jewelry he wears in his lips, 25 in his eyebrows, 8 in his nose. 278 - in the genital area. And a resident of Hamburg in the book of records was helped by 24 bottles, opened by the head. A dangerous world record was set by a resident of the Quechua tribe, who risked planting 250 tarantulas on his body, which lasted on it for 60 seconds. No less dangerous was the record for the number of bees kept on the body weighing 39.4 kg, and it belongs to an American.
How to get into the Guinness Book of Records
In fact, any record is unique, whether it be the highest world achievement in the field of sports or in any other kind of activity, but it is worth noting that, due to fierce competition, it becomes more and more difficult to surpass the already existing recorded indicator. And those who want to get into the famous Guinness Book have to take more and more risks, coming up with and setting more and more unusual records.
Those who want to perpetuate their name and their unusual abilities need to register on the website of the founders of the publication and apply for a record, that is, fill out the proposed form, where it is necessary to describe in detail the essence of the unusual phenomenon or abilities. After consideration of the application, its author will receive a notification of its acceptance or refusal. If approved, you can start preparing for the implementation or fixing the record. You can record a video, you can provide photographs or eyewitness accounts. The collected materials are sent by postal parcel or parcel post to the address indicated in the letter of recommendation. If approved, the lucky winner receives a certificate confirming that his name is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, but, unfortunately, there is no monetary reward for such a victory.