Fittonia: Species And Varieties

Fittonia: Species And Varieties
Fittonia: Species And Varieties

A charming plant native to the South American rainforest, Fittonia is quite capricious in culture. It requires warm air temperatures and high levels of humidity, which is why some growers suggest that the flower is best suited for growing in a terrarium. For its unusual foliage, Fittonia is popularly called "mosaic flower" or "nerve plant".

Fittonia: species and varieties
Fittonia: species and varieties

Southerner from Peru

There is an attractive plant in the Acanthus family, which botanists attribute to the genus Fittonia. The flower was found at the end of the 19th century in the humid tropics of South America, in particular, Peru. A plant with small but expressive leaves, which are covered with a net of light, pink or reddish veins. Fittonia is primarily appreciated by lovers of indoor floriculture not for flowering, but for the unusual color of the leaves.

The initial species for creating varieties and hybrids are Fittonia Verschaffelt (F. verschaffelti) and giant (F. gigantea), which are grown only in mini-greenhouses, florariums and terrariums, since plants require special environmental humidity necessary for normal vegetation.

Giant Fittonia grows to 0.5 m in height. She has shiny, leaves up to 15 cm in length. Pubescent stems with a large number of shoots and leaves of a dark green shade with a net of red veins at the Vershaffelt Fittonia. Breeders have developed new varieties that grow well not only in the special conditions of a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also in an ordinary apartment. Among them are Fittonias:

Fittonia varieties for indoor floriculture

  • Fittonia Perseus with red leaves. In nature, this species has rather large leaves, and for indoor floriculture, a compact form with miniature leaves is issued.

  • Fittonia Aogironer with thin silvery veins on foliage. The leaf blades are medium-sized, up to 5 cm in length.

  • Fittonia Minima with small expressive leaves. This Fittonia variety is very popular for cultivation in mini-gardens and florariums, as it has miniature shoots with small leaves 1-2 cm in size.
  • Fittonia Skeleton with yellowish-green leaves covered with a net of red veins. The variety is very showy, rather compact and slow growing, which makes it valuable for growing in a florarium or terrarium.

  • Fittonia White Anna with a white pattern and a border around the edge of the sheet. The variety is very bright. The shoots of the plant spread over the surface of the pot, forming a dense curtain.


    Fittonia is decorative if it grows alone in a pot, and group plantings and compositions with other indoor flowers are also spectacular. Fittonia also gets along well with other plants: miniature ivy, peperomia, saltium, small-leaved ficuses.
