Light Filter For Canon: Advantages, Varieties And Features

Light Filter For Canon: Advantages, Varieties And Features
Light Filter For Canon: Advantages, Varieties And Features

The light filter is not the most essential, but nonetheless one of the most powerful photography-changing accessories. A high-quality filter can "stretch" the frame in terms of light transmission, and, on the contrary, an unsuccessful filter can destroy a good photo.

Light filters
Light filters

Light filters for Canon are produced by Canon itself, as well as by Marumi, Hoya and others. In general, there are quite a few filter manufacturers, but "glasses" from well-known companies are preferable.

Protective Filters

Canon filters are divided into several types. The simplest, but most often the most necessary, are protective filters that help the lens to cope with moisture, dust and other factors, touching with greasy and dirty hands. Protective light filters do not change the amount of light entering the sensor and other characteristics of the shooting. On sale, they usually go as protect lenses. This type of lens has no disadvantages, plus - lens protection.

Polarizing Filters

Polarizing filters (polaric, PLC-B, "polar") are necessary for artistic photography and photographing in conditions of too bright light (for example, during the day, at aperture 1.4). Canon “Polarics” are able to remove unnecessary glare that occurs when shooting water (this is how the effect of water transparency and clarity of the bottom image is achieved). The disadvantages of polarizing filters include the vignetting effect that sometimes occurs when shooting. It is highly recommended to take an expensive and high quality filter of this type. A typical Canon polarizing filter is the Canon PL-C B 77mm, although the manufacturer has other models as well.

Color filters

Color filters are what comes to mind when the word "filter" is mentioned. Color filters are an extremely creative tool for the photographer. Today, the development of photo editing programs allows you to achieve the same effect as when using this type of filter. In addition, a frame made with a light filter can no longer be “stretched” to the usual settings. All existing color filters for Canon lenses are produced by third-party companies (including numerous Chinese manufacturers).

Macro filters

Macro lenses are also a type of light filter. Canon produces several types of macro lenses, among which the Canon Close UP 250D 58mm is considered the best. Thanks to macro lenses that can be attached to a common universal lens, the photographer can shoot macro objects (insects, flowers, wildlife). However, macro lenses have their drawbacks: they are not universal, in addition, they distort the frame at the edges, forcing the photographer to crop the photo during processing. In addition, Canon's native macro lenses are quite expensive for novice photographers, while professionals use good macro lenses.