Children Of Elena Vaenga: Photo

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Children Of Elena Vaenga: Photo
Children Of Elena Vaenga: Photo

Video: Children Of Elena Vaenga: Photo

Video: Children Of Elena Vaenga: Photo
Video: Вечерний Ургант. В гостях у Ивана Елена Ваенга (05.04.2017) 2024, December

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga (Khruleva) is a popular Soviet and Russian pop singer, songwriter and actress. She is a winner of the Chanson of the Year awards. The artist took her real surname in honor of her hometown (now Severomorsk) and the river located near it. She is currently officially married and has an only child, a son, Ivan.

Elena Vaenga with her only son
Elena Vaenga with her only son

A unique pop artist with an amazing voice and lyrics, she is now well known throughout the post-Soviet space. Elena Vaenga was able to break through to the heights of creative fame solely thanks to her own natural talent, indomitable energy, faith and dedication. Her professional portfolio today contains over 750 songs that she has written herself. It is interesting that a creative pseudonym with a geographic etymology was suggested to the famous singer by her mother.

Brief biography of Elena Vaenga

On January 27, 1977 in Severomorsk in a family far from the world of culture and art (father and mother worked at a submarine repair plant), the future pop singer was born. From childhood and adolescence, the girl showed remarkable musical abilities. And therefore, in addition to the secondary school, she also attended a music school. In addition, the harsh region of residence contributed to her passion for skiing. And Lena wrote her debut song at the age of 9, which she could even play from memory on the piano after her father.


After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Vaenga enters a music school in the city on the Neva. After that, she continues her studies here at a theater university, but leaves her to record her first music album in the capital. Her pseudonym at the initial stage of her creative career was the name Nina.

Interestingly, the producer Stepan Razin, due to the trickery with the ownership rights to the songs of Vaenga, was able to use them in the most unfair way, distributing them among the performers at his discretion. This first bitter experience she was able to take into account later. And then I had to return to the Northern capital and continue my creative career there.

In 2000, the aspiring artist still completes her acting education at Velyaminov's courses and receives the coveted diploma in dramatic art. She even took the stage in the theatrical production "Free Couple". And then a new stage begins in the creative career of Elena Vaenga, who for many years was associated with producer Ivan Matvienko, who was also her common-law husband.

In 2003, her debut solo album "Portrait" was released, which became a real start-up in the work of the future People's Artist of Russia. The next time the whole country began to hum the hits from the music collection of Elena Vaenga two years later, when the second author's disc of the singer was released. The artist instantly became the owner of the title "Queen of Chanson" (for five years in a row she took first place in the competition "Chanson of the Year"), and her songs were awarded the title prize "Golden Gramophone" 3 times.

She regularly went on tour to Germany and Israel, where her work found a lot of fans, and tickets for concerts were sold out instantly. However, not everything in the creative life of a celebrity was easy and flawless. She also had a period of forced oblivion due to damage to the ligaments. Special words are demanded by the participation of the singer in the prestigious festival "Slavianski Bazaar", where she was a member of the jury, the recording of the next album and her solo program in the Kremlin.

Personal life of the artist

The romantic aspect of the popular singer is largely associated with her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko. According to the artist herself, she is very grateful to him for all the years of their life and work together. For 16 years Ivan was not only her close person, but also professionally represented interests on Russian and foreign platforms. It was through his efforts that Elena became so popular today. In honor of her lover, she even named her only son to date.


Currently, Elena Vaenga is happily married and has a son, Ivan. The current spouse also devotes a lot of time to working with his wife. However, detailed information about the artist's family life is not available in the public domain, since she carefully hides this aspect from the press, and always laughs off the importunity of journalists.

A family

Currently, Elena Vaenga's family circle includes her husband, son and parents. Due to the singer's serious professional workload, the grandparents are mainly engaged in raising her child. The artist is very grateful to her parents for their efforts and care for their son. She regularly sends her household members to Cyprus to one of her good friends so that they can have a great time there and get an additional boost of vivacity and health.


It should be noted that the popular artist is a believer. She constantly expresses her gratitude to God for allowing her to experience the happiness of motherhood. And she explains her close connection with the children's audience by the wonderful professional experience she gained when she was a music teacher, when she easily managed with students.


Elena's only son Vaenga today was born by her at the age of 34. The birth of Vanechka was then accompanied by numerous gossip about his paternity. And the sources of gossip, as always, were the fans and the press. The singer herself said that her colleague in the creative department is the parent of her son, which did not reveal to many a thematic riddle.


Of course, Elena Vaenga does not like a soul in her only son Ivan. She regularly takes him with her on touring tours throughout the country and abroad. So the boy is already well-versed in the backstage relations of the artistic environment.
