Sleds are a traditional means of transportation and transportation of goods of the peoples of Alaska, Chukotka, the entire Russian Arctic and the extreme north of the American continent. Very light and thin, they are also strong and ideally suited for off-road driving. Since ancient times, the peoples inhabiting the northern regions have made their own sledges, doing only with a knife, wood and deerskin belts. Even today, when there are motorized vehicles on the snowy plains, the inhabitants of the northern regions have not abandoned sledges, only now they use modern tools, synthetic and metal fasteners in the manufacture of a traditional carriage.

It is necessary
- - 1 upper crossbar of the rear support,
- - 1 brake bar,
- - 1 lower arch,
- - 1 vertical arc for manual control,
- - 3 lower bars for back, front and vertical bars,
- - 2 strips for duplicate runners,
- - 2 plastic strips (footrests),
- - 2 strips for fastening the flooring to the front,
- - 2 strips for the front support,
- - 5 planks for flooring,
- - 2 strips for rear support,
- - 2 strips for runners,
- - 2 railing strips,
- - 2 strips for fastening the flooring with runners,
- - 4 strips for fastening the flooring,
- - 1 wedge-shaped strip for fastening the deck and runners,
- - a device for moistening wood with hot steam,
- - drill and tools for trimming wood,
- - glue, bolts, nylon cord, elastic rope.
Step 1
Make a sled for dog riding (the person driving such a sled stands on the back of the sled). Take two runner strips (ash, birch or alder) and make a thin longitudinal cut with the saw to the length of the folded part, this will make it easier to bend the wood. The dimensions of all parts of the sled are individual, the proposed length is 2 m 44 cm, it is bent about 1/3 of the length of the runners, the length of the runners after bending is 2 m 36 cm.
Step 2
Moisten the runner strips with hot steam and fold the front part, leave it in the locked position for two days, then glue the cut, fix it and let it dry for two days. For bolting and cord fastening, holes must be drilled in all parts. Place the duplicate runners on the main planks and fasten with bolts (the length of the duplicate runners is 1 m 75 cm). Place a 53 cm wedge bar on the front folded ends of the runners and also bolt to them.
Step 3
Tie the front support (length - 29 cm, width - 48 cm), the vertical bar (length - 99 cm, width - 48 cm) and rear support (length - 70 cm, width - 48 cm) to the stapled backup and main runners with nylon cord, then tie the lower rungs to the vertical arm for manual steering, to the front and rear supports. Attach the top crossbar to the rear support with a cord (support - two vertical bars held together by crossbars; front support held together by one crossbar, rear support - two, upper and lower).
Step 4
Assemble the deck grating by bolting 5 planks 1 m 24 cm long with 2 51 cm long planks laid across and 2 longitudinal side planks 1 m 24 cm long. Install and attach the deck with nylon cord to the front wedge plank, front and rear support, vertical arch and the lower crossbar of the rear support.
Step 5
Steam the handrail planks (110 cm long), bend and cord to the vertical arch, supports and side planks of the deck. Bolt the lower (horizontal) bow to the front support, the length of the lower bow is 104 cm, the length of the folded part is 33 cm, the width is 48 cm. Tie the front part of the lower bow to the side planks of the deck and to the wedge-shaped bar.
Step 6
Attach the leg rests to the back of the duplicate runners with screws. Attach the brake bar (length - 71 cm) with a bolt to the crossbar of the front post and with a loop - to the upper crossbar of the rear support. Screw the metal brake spike to the bar, point down.
Step 7
Tie the sled with an elastic rope as follows: by the leg of the back support, by the leg of the vertical arc and the front support, by the middle of the lower (horizontal) arc, then do the same on the other side of the sled in reverse order. Thus, the entire bottom of the sled will be fastened to the middle of the lower arch, where the dog sled legs are attached. The sledges are ready.