What Books To Read For Children 13-14 Years Old

What Books To Read For Children 13-14 Years Old
What Books To Read For Children 13-14 Years Old

Today, fortunately, there is no shortage of literature for all ages. Parents who care about the education and development of the child face another difficult problem - the problem of choice.

What books to read for children 13-14 years old
What books to read for children 13-14 years old

About teenagers and love of reading

Of course, it's great if your child "swallows" books and you just do not know what else to offer him. But more often, unfortunately, parents have to deal with the fact that the teenager simply does not want to open the book. There is nothing surprising in this. Modern children grow up in a huge information field - they have at their disposal cinema and animation for every taste, all the possibilities of network communication, the Internet, cell phones, online games …

There is simply no time left for information processing, the child gets used to perceive the “finished picture”. The book, unlike, for example, a movie, invites you to co-creation, makes you finish painting the picture yourself in your imagination.

If you want, first of all, just to teach your child to read, to interest him in the printed word, you should not stress too much on the usefulness of reading and on those books that, in your adult opinion, are needed for development. Don't be boring. It is hardly worth trying to force a teenager, who does not like reading anyway, to familiarize himself with the work of "heavy" writers, whom you yourself did not like too much at his age. Let the teenager get carried away for a start, learn to see the images and empathize with the characters, to perceive the printed word, and not the finished picture.

Taste and color

If your teenager enthusiastically reads "Harry Potter" - that's great! J. K. Rowling will not advise him anything bad. Then it will be possible to suggest some authors writing books for teenagers in a similar genre - among them, for example, Dmitry Emets (series "Methodius Buslaev"), Evgeny Gagloyev ("Zertsalia"), Natalia Shcherba ("Chasodei"), Kerstin Gir ("Timeless") and many others.

If the child practically does not read yet, pay attention, for example, to what stories and genres he prefers in the cinema. If it's fantasy, advise the subtly best samples. Those who have already read "Narnia" and "The Lord of the Rings" can be offered modern authors - Marina and Sergei Dyachenko, Henry Lyon Oldie.

A fan of science fiction should recommend Robert Heinlein's teenage series - "Star Beast", "Martian Podkane", "There will be a spacesuit - there will be travels", "Star Rangers" and others.

And of course, it is worth remembering those books that you yourself loved at this age. What teenager doesn't like adventure! The Chronicles of Captain Blood and other books by Raphael Sabatini, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Verne do not lose their relevance.

Girls may like books about love - for example, "Consuelo" by Georges Sand, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.

Many teenagers also appreciate logic puzzles. It is worth trying to suggest the best detectives Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, James Headley Chase.
