What Books To Read To A Child 1-2 Years Old

What Books To Read To A Child 1-2 Years Old
What Books To Read To A Child 1-2 Years Old

Psychologists say that you need to start teaching your child to read as early as possible. Even one-year-old children love it when books are read to them.

What books to read to a child 1-2 years old
What books to read to a child 1-2 years old

Kids aged 1-2 years prefer to listen to short rhymed pieces. They may not yet understand the meaning of the rhymes, but they like the sound of the rhymes themselves. The best option would be small children's poems, for example, poems by Agnia Barto from the "Toys" cycle and a variety of "nursery rhymes".

Children also like short stories, such as "Turnip", "Teremok", "Rukavichka", "Kolobok".

Children will also be interested in books about animals. The kid can especially highlight one animal, for example, a chanterelle, and simply ignore other animals depicted in the book. The child will flip through the pages in search of a chanterelle and, having found it, will be delighted. This interest of the child can be used to broaden his horizons. Tell him where the chanterelle lives, what it eats and how it behaves. In this way, you will begin to shape your child's interest in books.

It is very important that your child's books contain a lot of bright and clear illustrations. They should be simple, without many small and colorful details. When reading the book, be sure to show your child the characters drawn in the pictures. If the child is interested in some image, you can briefly distract from reading and discuss with the baby what he sees in the picture ("Who is this? Gingerbread man? And who is this? Bunny? Where are the bunny's ears?").

It is important that the fairy tale has a happy ending. Fairy tales with a bad ending contribute to the formation of various fears in the child. Therefore, in some cases, the ending of the work can be thought up by yourself. For example, after reading Barto's poem "The hostess threw the bunny …", tell us how the bunny was picked up by another girl, and he stayed with her. Telling the fairy tale "Kolobok" come up with a different, "happy" version of the ending, in which Kolobok managed to deceive the fox and run away.
