Why Dream About The Funeral Of A Familiar Person

Why Dream About The Funeral Of A Familiar Person
Why Dream About The Funeral Of A Familiar Person

In general, dreams in which a person sees someone's funeral, upon awakening, can leave a rather unpleasant and painful aftertaste on the soul. Meanwhile, some "funeral" dreams are exactly the opposite.

Often, dreams in which familiar people are buried have the opposite meaning in reality
Often, dreams in which familiar people are buried have the opposite meaning in reality

Why dream of the funeral of familiar people? Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov believes that the dreamed funeral of some acquaintance (friend, friend, comrade, work colleague) is a positive omen. Perhaps the dreamer will soon play his wedding. A favorable outcome of some important business case is also not excluded. If the dreamer saw his own funeral, then this is for longevity and good health.

Funeral according to Miller's dream book

A scientist, in general, also does not see anything bad in such dreams. For example, burying your friend in a dream is very good. He will most likely live happily and for a long time.

According to Vanga's dream book, to hear a sad bell ringing at a funeral in a dream is to unexpected sad news, to the illness of one of the dreamer's relatives.

Miller asks to pay attention to some of the nuances of these dreams. In particular, on the weather, which was at the "funeral". If it was warm outside, the sun was shining, then in reality pleasant changes are coming in the life of the dreamer and his family. This is a fortunate period in life.

If the weather during the funeral was cloudy, then in reality it is possible to receive some unpleasant or sad news. Sometimes such a dream portends financial losses and illness.

If the dreamer sees how his acquaintance is being buried, but he himself is a stranger at a mourning event, then in reality problems associated with omissions are coming. This in most cases provokes quarrels and conflicts between friends.

Some commentators are sure that the splendor of the funeral also has its own meaning. If the dreamer is present at the rich funeral of a friend, then intrigues, shame and gossip await him. A modest procession - to pleasant chores.

One of the saddest dreams after waking up is the funeral of your child. However, do not be afraid and worried about him. Despite all the sorrows reflected in the dream, in reality everything will be fine and smooth in family life. The only trouble associated with such a dream is misunderstandings and problems in relations with friends.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Watching the funeral procession of a familiar person from the window - to participate in some kind of festive event. If at his funeral the dreamer hears a bell ringing or a mourning march, then in reality he will have fun to the point of insanity.

If at first the dreamer is present at the funeral of a familiar person, but then realizes that he does not know him, then soon he will be able to solve the long-standing accumulated problems. This is definitely a kind and auspicious sign.
