In times of despair, Orthodox people often come to the Church and worship the images of the Saints, asking them for intercession. At the same time, few people know that every person has his own patron icon, designed to protect and lead along the path to the Lord. Today we propose to determine what it is by your date of birth.

November 23rd to December 21st
In the house should be placed the icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" or "Sign". The first will protect them from enemy forces, help with infertility, and ward off troubles. The second - will allow you to find peace and tranquility, heal from terrible ailments, escape during fires and natural disasters, get rid of enemies and envious people. A pure and tireless prayer in front of both of these icons will allow every believer to calm down and come to terms with the shortcomings of this world.
December 22 to January 20
Your patroness icon by date of birth is "Sovereign". Before her, they pray for the health of loved ones, recovery from a debilitating illness, finding a loved one, guidance on the true path, resolving financial problems, establishing peace, healing mental trauma. People come to her to find truth and heartfelt joy, to find peace, to pacify the enemy's anger.
January 21 to February 20
The images depicted on the icons "Vladimirskaya" and "Burning Bush" should be especially worshiped. The first will help strengthen faith and take the true path, heal diseases of the eyes and heart. The second is able to protect from enemy forces, thieves, lightning and fires. She especially protects doctors, firefighters, military men and pilots.
February 21 to March 20
You should order and place in the red corner the icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya". It will help protect the house from unwanted guests, fire and other misfortunes. And it will also give consolation in a moment of despair and inner powerlessness. At the same time, you can ask for help from the Iberian Mother of God not only for yourself, but also for friends, relatives, enemies.
March 21 to April 20
It is worth kneeling in prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Since ancient times, not only ordinary people, but also princes and kings turned to this Patroness. She tirelessly helped to regain lost sight, overcome enemies, heal bodily ailments, gain true faith, and cope with various difficult situations. It is possible for every believer to pray to Our Lady of Kazan, but this should be done especially by the mothers of children who went to serve in the army, parents of newlyweds and family people whose marriage is in jeopardy.
April 21 to May 20
You are patronized by the icons "Iverskaya" and "The Argue of Sinners". What the first helps with has already been written in this article. Before the "Assistant of Sinners" they pray for the acquisition of faith, forgiveness of all sorts of sins, deliverance from serious ailments and despondency. It is worth noting that she is especially worshiped three times a year: on Thursday Pentecost, March 20 and June 11.
May 21 to June 21
You should have 3 icons in your house at once - "Vladimirskaya", "Burning Bush" and "Recovery of the Perished". The meaning of the first two has already been mentioned above. The third helps to gain faith in yourself and in the fact that there is still something good in this world. And also: find peace and tranquility, overcome various ailments, successfully marry, improve family relationships, become wiser and more patient.
June 22 to July 22
Those born during this period should look for patronage before the icons of Our Lady of Kazan and "Joy of All Who Sorrow", which can protect from enemies and all kinds of diseases, help overcome sorrow and despondency, save from poverty. Before both images, you need to pray in order to gain spiritual strength and come out with dignity from any difficult situation.
July 23rd to August 23rd
Protection can be found in the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos", which is one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. One should pray before her for oneself and for a loved one only with a pure heart. You can ask for the protection of the Motherland and home, overcoming the internal enemy, healing from various ailments, improving the financial situation, finding love, getting rid of sadness and despondency.
From August 24 to September 23
You need to come to church and pray in front of the icons "Burning Bush" and "Passionate", which depicts the Mother of God, humbly carrying her child towards the coming suffering. Before this image of the Mother of God, you can pray for the healing of mental and physical ailments, the strengthening of faith, the acquisition of hope and love, deliverance from experiences and harmful passions, the expulsion of thoughts of suicide and demons, the protection of the house from fires and other disasters.
September 24 to October 23
Most often one should pray in front of the icons "Burning Bush", "Pochaevskaya" and "Exaltation of the Holy Cross". The Pochaev image of the Mother of God has already shown many miracles. He helps to embark on the righteous path, gain or strengthen faith, heal from visible and invisible diseases, improve family relationships, protect the abode from thieves and intruders, get rid of impure thoughts and improve spiritually.
October 24 to November 22
You should definitely buy in the church and put in the house the icons of the Virgin Mary "Quick to Hearken" and "Jerusalem". The first helps to give birth easily and without complications, to protect your children from misfortunes and ailments, to find answers to various questions, find a way out of a difficult situation, improve vision and get rid of a number of diseases. The second is to quickly get rid of grief and despondency, as well as bodily ailments, defeat enemies, save the family hearth. Travelers must have it with them, as it allows them to avoid various troubles on the road.