Many do not believe in horoscopes because they believe they are lying. But few people think about the fact that for its accuracy, a lot of data is needed up to the hours of birth. This is what I want to talk about. How the hours of our birth affect our destiny.

The time of birth is from 24.00 to 02.00, the ruling planet is Mercury. People born in a given period of time are distinguished by their curiosity. This is both a positive quality and at the same time a negative one. Of course, in life it can be very useful, but it can harm personal relationships. This can lead to the fact that you simply begin to follow your loved one, which will break your relationship in the future. Although such people can harm themselves in terms of personal life, they will not remain alone, since activity and sociability is another huge plus, and maybe a minus. You decide.
The time of birth is from 02.00 to 04.00, the ruling planet is Venus. They are born workaholics who will achieve whatever they want. Building a career is your strong point. But in your personal life you have a lot of problems, since it is not easy to get along with you, and all because you are the owner. Agree that not everyone will dance to someone else's tune. Is not it?
The time of birth is from 04.00 to 06.00. The ruling planet is Mars. Those born in a given period of time are undoubtedly warriors. Mars does not deprive them of strong qualities. They are definitely leaders, both at work and in relationships. Many of them are in leadership positions. Of course, such people speak frankly, straight into the eyes. But do not forget that it is difficult to cope alone. Listen to the advice of other people at least sometimes, they can be of great help.
The time of birth is from 06.00 to 08.00, the ruling planet is Neptune. You are a very delicate person who can achieve a lot in creativity. Your disadvantage is that it is only when you are alone with yourself that you become comfortable. You should not close yourself off from all people and live only in your dreams and dreams. Otherwise, you run the risk of remaining in old age a lonely and useless person.
The time of birth is from 08.00 to 10.00, the ruling planet is Uranus. Children of Uranus are very charming. People with their problems are drawn to them, well, and they help them and give practical advice. Those born at this time often work in the service sector. They are excellent doctors and psychologists.
The time of birth is from 10.00 to 12.00, the ruling planet is Saturn. People born under the influence of this planet have a very firm and decisive character. By the way, you can make a good politician. There is no limit to your ambition. And you will never pass by insolence and injustice.
The time of birth is from 12.00 to 14.00, the ruling planet is Jupiter. Such a person is constantly looking for new adventures, because emotions are almost the main part of his life. You are very dynamic and spontaneous, so you have a lot of partners. Surely your main dream is to do some disturbing act that will turn your whole life upside down.
The time of birth is from 14.00 to 16.00, the ruling planet is Pluto. Such children are very restless. They will achieve everything in life, even if it doesn't work out 50 times. Of course, this is very cool, but still, set realistic goals for yourself and you will achieve everything your heart desires.
The time of birth is from 16.00 to 18.00, the ruling planet is Venus. You are very gentle and like no one else you know how to communicate with people. Venus has endowed you with idealism that can play a cruel joke. Either a very early marriage or a complete failure in terms of love awaits you, since having stumbled upon deception and lies, instead of love to the grave, you most likely will not decide on another new relationship. And this means that you risk being left alone.
The time of birth is from 18.00 to 20.00, the ruling planet is Mercury. You don't have to take endurance. Your disadvantage is that you always go to extremes. Remember that in addition to the problems of your loved ones, there is also your own life, which should not be missed.
The time of birth is from 20.00 to 22.00, the ruling planet is the Sun. You, like the sun, always want to shine and be the center of attention. It's easy for people to be with you. Often such people realize themselves in public, that is, very often they can be seen on stage. They will make good actors. Someone, but they feel very comfortable in the public sphere.
The time of birth is from 22.00 to 24.00, the ruling planet is the Moon. People born under the auspices of the Moon are most often philosophical natures who are constantly looking for harmony. Due to their external passivity, they often achieve success in their careers quite late, by the age of 40. The marriage of such people is happy, and all thanks to the harmony that is present in their relationship.
Such are the small characteristics. I think it's worth taking them into account. After all, perhaps they will help us correct our shortcomings and further develop our strengths. Good luck!