An experienced astrologer can provide very competent and accurate advice and guidance. Nevertheless, for many people the very mechanism of the influence of the horoscope on their fate remains unclear. Knowing the basic principles of astrology will allow you to better understand its possibilities and use cases.

It is necessary
astrological program ZET
Step 1
It should be understood that astrology is an empirical science - that is, based solely on the statistics of observations. Today, even astrologers themselves do not have a clear understanding of what is the mechanism of influence of the location of the planets on the fate of a person. Therefore, astrologers say directly that they do not know how the influence is carried out. But thanks to the large statistics of observations, certain patterns have been identified, which allow us to make astrological forecasts.
Step 2
It is important to keep in mind that astrologers never predict anything. Astrology operates exclusively with the probability of certain events. For example, an analysis of a horoscope suggests that on such and such a day a person has a high probability of large financial losses. This does not mean that they will necessarily be. Nevertheless, knowing about the existing risk, it is better to refrain from any large financial transactions on such a day.
Step 3
The character of a person and his fate are to a very large extent determined by his birth horoscope - a natal chart, a radix. At the same time, fate is not programmed. Again, we are talking about the likelihood of events: being warned about them, a person has many opportunities to avoid them. The same applies to the qualities of character - if the horoscope indicates that some negative qualities may appear, a person can consciously work so that they do not become dominant.
Step 4
It is necessary to understand that a horoscope is a kind of map indicating the main events in a person's life, as well as which paths are open in front of him and which are closed. If a horoscope, for example, indicates that a person is not focused on society, but is closed on his inner world, it will be very difficult for him to become a public person. Such a person can become an excellent scientist, writer, programmer, etc., but he is unlikely to make a successful politician or businessman.
Step 5
Keep in mind that disputes with the fate indicated by the horoscope most often turn out to be ineffectual. The right choice is to realize yourself in the most favorable way. The stars will contribute to your success - you will succeed, you will be able to realize all your dreams. Conversely, trying to work in areas that are not destined for you will almost certainly not lead to anything good.
Step 6
Remember that only an experienced astrologer can make a competent analysis of the horoscope. If the astrologer directly indicates to you that such and such events await you, look for another specialist. As mentioned above, astrology works with probabilities, so a person always has a chance to avoid even very likely events. This is precisely the value of astrology - it can warn a person of the impending danger and help to safely pass a difficult period.