How The Surname Affects Fate

How The Surname Affects Fate
How The Surname Affects Fate

The surname speaks of a person's belonging to a particular family, clan. Often the surname can be used to determine the nationality of a person, the profession of his distant ancestors. In addition, it is believed that, along with the name, it has a serious impact on the life and fate of its bearer.

How the surname affects fate
How the surname affects fate

Psychological point of view

The influence of the surname (as well as the first name) on a person and his life is associated, first of all, with a purely psychological factor, because people hear it constantly in addressing them, starting from school. If the surname is beautiful, pleasant for its owner, then he feels more comfortable and confident. If the surname is strange, associated with some kind of swearing or a funny word, a person may become constrained when he hears it, avoid voicing it. Sometimes the systematic ridicule of classmates can cause psychological trauma to a child, and an inferiority complex develops in him and, in addition, a dislike for his surname.

It also happens the other way around - when a child with an unusual surname more than others feels his uniqueness and because of this acts with greater confidence in his abilities. A bright, speaking surname draws attention to a person, wherever he is, and if he knows how to take advantage of this and does not hesitate, this can play into his hands and even help make a career.

Esoteric point of view

In numerology and some other fields of knowledge, it is believed that both the first name and the last name and patronymic of a person significantly affect his life and destiny. They consist of letters, each of which has its own sound vibration and corresponds to a certain number, and in total they give the number of the first name or the number of the surname, which partly form the character of a person. It is important that the name, surname and patronymic, as well as the date of birth, are in harmony with each other.

Change of surname

Sometimes women who got married and changed their last name say that their life, luck, and even character have changed after that. Someone is happy with these changes, while others are not very happy.

Some girls even go to a numerologist or astrologer before the wedding, so that he predicted how the change of surname might affect their lives, and advised whether to change it. It also happens that the unlucky husband decides to change his passport data and takes the name of his wife.

It also happens that the parents of a baby turn to a specialist for advice to find out which name will best combine with the surname of the newborn and increase his chances of success and happiness in life.

It is believed that all members of a family, clan, having a common surname, have something in common in their destiny. The wife's entry into the husband's clan, when adopting his surname, is often explained by possible changes in her life. One kind has some karmic lessons, another has others.

Both the letters of the surname separately and the total number of the surname have a meaning. All this affects the success of a person and his character. According to numerologists, the number of a surname determines the hereditary abilities of an individual and other inherited "baggage" - opportunities, etc. So, for example, it is implied that a person, in whose family there were rich and enterprising people, the creation of his own business will be given more easily, as well as material well-being.
