A person's fate is influenced by many things: date and place of birth, his parents, upbringing, character and health. But the name given by the parents also plays an important role in life.

Step 1
The fact that the name affects fate has been known for a long time. It is an integral part of the person himself, it is his "visiting card" in society, his face. Such a saying as "they are met by their clothes" is also true when applied to names, because they influence the first impression upon acquaintance in the same way. The name also reflects the character and inclinations of the wearer himself, his successes or failures, affects relationships with people.
Step 2
The reasons for the influence of the name on the character and fate of a person are still being studied. But until now, the very mechanism of such an influence is not known to anyone. According to social theory, a human name is considered a certain block of information that was accumulated by society in the process of its development. That is why each name has a specific meaning, in whatever language it may sound.
Step 3
In addition, the meaning of the name contains information about the character and actions of the great people who previously wore it. The attitude of people around to the owner of such a name is largely determined by this information, which, in turn, causes the formation of the corresponding character traits in the process of human life. In this case, the mechanism of suggestion is triggered - in itself, the meaning of the name and the expectations of people affect its bearer, determining what properties of character he should have.
Step 4
There are variants of social theory, which include the so-called emotional and sound part. The emotional theory says that the fate and character of a person depends directly on how melodic his name sounds to the human ear: the more pleasant the sound, the simpler his character and the happier his fate. Sound theory insists that any set of sounds irritates different parts of the cerebral cortex and can cause different reactions of people around to a particular name.
Step 5
And yet, the influence of the name on the fate of a person completely depends on how it is perceived by people, since each society has its own traditions and customs, its own history, religion, and its own language. That is why the fate of a child will be most successful if his name corresponds to the traditions of the place where he was born and raised. In the case when the name is unconventional for a given society, this can completely spoil the character of a person and predetermine the unfavorable course of his life.
Step 6
Certain names will also help cause a negative reaction in society, for example, if it was worn by a commander of an enemy army, a negative movie hero, or a tyrant in a totalitarian state. Therefore, any of these names will be considered an unfortunate choice for the baby and will help negatively affect his fate.