How To Know If There Is A Curse On You

How To Know If There Is A Curse On You
How To Know If There Is A Curse On You

Table of contents:


A curse is like a chronic disease that affects a person's energy field and attracts negative energy to him. The peculiarity of the curse is that it does not deplete with the death of the damned, but can destroy his entire family.

Church candle - indicator
Church candle - indicator

It is necessary

  • Bowl or glass of water
  • Thin church candle
  • Matches
  • Egg
  • Wax, best of all beeswax.


Step 1

Testing with a church candle: If everything falls out of hand and it seems that life is ruled by someone's hostile will, if a person catches himself doing something unusual for him or something openly destructive, as if against his will, then before dealing with the clairvoyant of everyone types, it makes sense to follow these steps: Buy a thin wax candle in the church, light it and move it around the body. Watch closely the behavior of the light. If he suddenly crackles, smokes, wax will pour out as if in large drops - "tears" - perhaps there really is an evil eye, damage or curse. It also makes sense to walk around the house with a candle, especially if it is removable. Perhaps the fire will indicate that the curse lies on the dwelling, and the person falls under the negative simply because he lives in the wrong place.

Step 2

Matching test: Fire is a purifying element, capable of revealing the hidden, and its interaction with water reveals many secrets. Associated with this interaction is an old, since the nineteenth century, pagan way to find out if there is a curse - to burn three matches to the very end, completely, and throw the burned into a glass of water. If there is a curse or a strong evil eye, the matches will sink, if not, they will remain floating on the surface.

Step 3

Testing with an egg: An egg is a symbol of the universe, with its help diseases are "rolled out", it can also help determine whether a person is under a curse or is simply being pursued by a streak of failures.

Take a glass of water and gently release a raw egg there, being careful not to damage the yolk. Raise the glass over your head and move it as if drawing circles around your head for several minutes. If the egg white seems to curl up and stretch with white threads, then there is a curse, if everything remains calm as it is, the person is clean.

Step 4

Wax Casting: The most common way to find out about a curse is by wax casting. In order to try this method, you need to melt the wax, about 150 grams, put a cup of water in front of you and, concentrating, pour the wax into the water.

Examine the casting carefully. If it is smooth, then everything is in order, but it so happens that the casting forms circles - this is an indication of damage or a ring of failures. Small damage or evil eye is indicated by bumps or a wavy surface at the bottom of the casting, but the most alarming sign is wax frozen by icicles, and the longer and sharper the icicles, the more dangerous the curse is.
