How To Make A Portable Flower Garden

How To Make A Portable Flower Garden
How To Make A Portable Flower Garden

Any corner of the cottage can be decorated with flowers grown in portable containers. This is quite convenient in spring, when there are still few flowering plants, and there are bald spots on the site, or in autumn, when everything fades.

How to make a portable flower garden
How to make a portable flower garden

Portable flower beds come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are made from ceramics, plastic and even concrete. You can buy them at any gardening store. When buying, you should choose the flower garden that will be in harmony with the design of your site. The disadvantage of such containers is that the earthen lump in them dries quickly, and the plants need more frequent watering. In addition, the containers do not have a large volume, which does not allow the roots to grow as it should, so the soil must be highly fertile in them to compensate for this deficiency.

You can also use materials at hand for portable containers. With a little bit of ingenuity, they can be made from an old basket, bucket, saucepan, tree trunk, even from torn worn-out shoes. It looks quite original and not quite usual.

Before planting plants, you should check the container for the presence of drainage holes in it, if not, make them. They are necessary so that excess water when watering comes out through them, otherwise the root system can rot. If you have a standard commercial container, planting flowers is as follows. Pour a little expanded clay or small pebbles at the bottom, put chopped moss on top, it will help retain moisture. Next, fill in the soil mixture and plant the plants.

If you want to make a wicker flower garden, use a basket. Put a plastic wrap on the bottom, in which make small holes in advance through which excess water will come out. Fill up the soil and plant seedlings. It is better to plant seedlings in February, so that already grown plants can be planted in June. They can also be purchased from a specialist store.

After planting, it is better to remove the portable flower bed in a darkened, windproof place for a couple of days and only then put it in a permanent place. Care consists in frequent watering and regular feeding.
