Is It Possible To Learn To Sing If There Is No Voice, But There Is A Hearing

Is It Possible To Learn To Sing If There Is No Voice, But There Is A Hearing
Is It Possible To Learn To Sing If There Is No Voice, But There Is A Hearing

If nature has not endowed you with the talent of an opera singer, this does not mean that you cannot learn to sing beautifully. Practice, and only practice, will give the skill of singing to someone who really wants it. Effective ways to give yourself a voice have been found. Learning to sing in the absence of a voice, but with hearing is much easier than having no hearing at all.

Is it possible to learn to sing if there is no voice, but there is a hearing
Is it possible to learn to sing if there is no voice, but there is a hearing

How to put your voice through exercise?

If there is no singing beauty in your voice, then you need to create it. Many famous performers did not have such a voice from birth as they do now. Thanks to the exercises, they turned from "voiceless" persons into famous singers. First you need to practice breathing exercises. It will help you not to choke while singing.

The first exercise is to do bends, while reaching with your fingertips to the floor. When tilting, you need to inhale, when straightening, exhale. The exercise should be repeated 8 times for 10 approaches. The essence of the next exercise is hugs, and you need to hug yourself. You need to hug your own shoulders without crossing your arms. Inhale should be done with a sharp embrace, exhalation - when spreading the arms to the sides.


The essence of the method consists in chanting vowels. When raping, try to open your mouth as wide as possible and give out sound better. The more different sounds you chant, the faster you will prepare your body for singing.

The next stage is chanting a combination of syllables. Think of a few syllables and try to chant them as clearly as possible. For example, you can try the syllables "Ma-Mo-Mi" or "Gi-Gu-Go". Singing syllables has a beneficial effect on the ligaments, warming them up.

Listen to yourself, determine what sounds are not cleanly sung, what range of voice you have. This will help in the future to understand what needs to be worked with a vengeance. To do this, you can "draw" a melody. Write down the line from the song you want to sing syllabically, and draw arrows above the syllables. If the sound is high - an up arrow, if it is low - a down arrow.

Try singing a song without music and record your voice on a voice recorder. From the outside, you can understand where you are making mistakes, you can ask someone who has good singing skills to listen to the recording.

At first, it's worth practicing on your own. To start doing these exercises, you do not have to immediately enroll in a music school. Practice the exercises every day for an hour, intermittently. If you have a huge desire to sing, then in the future you can turn to professionals. They will surely make a singer out of you.
