Is It Possible To Learn To Draw On Your Own, Without A Teacher

Is It Possible To Learn To Draw On Your Own, Without A Teacher
Is It Possible To Learn To Draw On Your Own, Without A Teacher

At least once in a lifetime, everyone wanted to learn how to draw beautifully. However, not everyone went to art school or have an art education. But if there is a desire and perseverance, then it is never too late to learn to draw. Even without a teacher, you can achieve good success in this matter.

How to learn to draw
How to learn to draw

At what age to start learning

No matter how old you are, it's never too late to learn something new. If you decide by all means to master the art of drawing, then age will not be a hindrance. Many famous artists began to paint when they were already adults.

What materials will be needed

First of all, decide what you like best - drawing or painting. If you want to create expressive black and white portraits, then get graphite pencils of varying degrees of softness. If you prefer colored paintings, then it is better to buy gouache. It is better suited to a novice artist than watercolor. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then you can start right away with oil paints. You will also need brushes and paper. If you want to paint in oil, you can buy canvas. Now there is a large selection of different art materials, so you can easily find what you need.

How to start self-study

In order to achieve success in drawing, you need to follow the principle of gradualism. You don't have to try nudity right away. It's best to start with small items like an apple and a glass. You need to draw from nature. Just place an object in front of you and try to depict it on paper. The first experiments may be unsuccessful, but you need to keep drawing.

Buy or download a drawing tutorial to help you learn different techniques. Better if it is a real textbook on construction, perspective, or anatomy. Books like Drawing 50 Cats are designed to copy an image; they will not teach construction and will not be very useful.

Try not to paint from photographs, because a flat picture will not give you a sense of the volume of the subject. Draw from life every day. Get a small notebook and carry it with you so that you can sketch something interesting at any moment. The more often you practice, the sooner you will see progress from the classes.

Share your drawings with your friends and family. Errors are always more visible from the outside. As you paint, you may not notice that you distorted the proportions. The eye becomes blurred, you look at your picture for several hours while you work, and it may seem like a masterpiece to you. However, after looking at it a month later, you may find that the work is not at all as perfect as it seemed before.

In any business, the main thing is not to give up what you started. It is quite possible to learn how to create masterpieces without a teacher, the main thing is to draw regularly.
