Maxim Averin has never been married. The popular actor and children do not. Maxim himself does not like to answer questions regarding his personal life. Usually Averin simply ignores them or jokes them back.

Courageous, strong, charismatic and serious actor Maxim Averin instantly fell in love with the audience, playing in the TV series "Capercaillie". He especially liked the beautiful half of humanity. Now Maxim is already over 40, but he still has never been married. Nothing is known about the heirs of the popular Russian actor.
Screen novels
Averin's personal life interests all his fans, without exception. True, to their great chagrin, a man never spreads about his love relationship. There have already been many different rumors. Maxim was credited with love for men, and an affair with an adult rich woman sponsoring a star, and a secret young lover, whose influential parents are against her relationship with the actor and other unlikely stories. In the end, they all turned out to be just rumors. Averin does not even spend energy on refuting them, he simply smiled in response to direct questions from journalists.
The personal life of the actor to this day remains a secret behind seven seals. It is not known whether Maxim now has a constant life companion. And little can be said about his past novels. It will only be possible to declare with certainty that Averin has never been officially married. Media representatives were able to verify this information. A marriage registration stamp never appeared in the actor's passport. It is unclear whether this is the principle of Maxim himself or he simply has not yet met the one and only
Most often, Averin was credited with novels with colleagues in the series during his life. For example, with Victoria Tarasova, the actor had many explicit bed scenes in the series "Capercaillie". Maxim and Vika played love and passion so convincingly on the screen that fans immediately attributed the romance to them in reality. At the same time, no one knew that in the most intimate moments of filming, Tarasova was with a broken leg. Therefore, in moments of passionate hugs and kisses, there was no talk of romance. The actors fought constantly. On the set, Vicki's disgruntled phrases were heard every now and then: "Don't hug me so hard, it hurts!" And Maxim was annoyed by the crutches of his partner that constantly came across to his feet.
Fans really wanted to see Tarasova and Averin as a couple. Therefore, the statements that in fact they are only colleagues were categorically not satisfied with the fans. Netizens constantly edited love videos about their favorite actors and promised to present such recordings for their wedding. As a result, Maxim got tired of it all, and the man decisively stated in an interview that he had never started and did not plan to start romances at work. Service relationships are not for him.
The possible romance of Averin with Maria Kulikova was discussed in a similar way. Maxim has known the girl for many years. They began to communicate during their student days. In addition, both Kulikova and Averin periodically complimented each other in interviews. When Masha divorced her husband (in 2015), the fans of the actors froze in anticipation. It seemed to everyone that a beautiful stellar romance was about to begin. But here, too, Averin's fans were in for a huge disappointment. The actors publicly stated that they are connected only by a warm, tender friendship. There will never be any love relationship between them.

There was a moment when the audience also believed in the actor's romance with Anna Ardova. But for this, both alleged lovers did their best. Together they came to one of the popular shows and openly flirted with each other, emphasizing clearly not friendly and not working relations. Later, the actors admitted that they were just joking. There is no romance between them.
Unconventional sexual orientation?
Very often in discussions of the personal life of Maxim Averin, information is found that he simply does not like women. Allegedly, therefore, the handsome actor never had any romance with them, and it never came to marriage, and not even a single prospective heir showed up.

Usually, such information is ultimately refuted by Averin's acquaintances or his official representatives. But some time ago, Maxim himself fueled thematic rumors about himself. Maxim began to celebrate his 40th birthday in an ordinary restaurant, and to continue the holiday he went to a famous gay bar. Even a video from a fun party was leaked online, confirming the presence of the actor in the institution.
Actor's frankness
Maxim himself told reporters that his main problem was not unconventional sexual orientation, but excessive love of love. Averin noted that he regularly begins novels, but they last a maximum of a week. And more often - 2-3 days. He does not have enough time and energy for a serious relationship, and he has not yet had the desire to start one.

The actor said that he experienced a strong feeling only in high school. Then Averin was even going to get married. It only remained to wait for the coming of age of both lovers. But after entering the Shchukin School, the young man plunged into a cheerful student life. He quickly forgot about his beloved, their paths parted forever.