Maxim Yaritsa is one of the participants in the Ural Dumplings Show, a generator of sparkling jokes and a permanent performer of the role of Santa Claus in all New Year's issues. Maxim owes his success to talent, charisma and friendly team, but his wife Tatyana also played a significant role.

Maxim Yaritsa: the road to a joke
Maxim was born in Kazakhstan, in the small town of Schuchinsk, after a while the family moved to Yekaterinburg. After leaving school, there were attempts to obtain higher education, but soon the future showman realized that the economy was not at all his strong point. But suddenly a talent for performances opened up: Maxim performed brilliantly at institute parties, having fun and starting the hall.
On one of these evenings, Dmitry Sokolov, the creator and inspirer of the Ural dumplings, met him. Having watched the performance, the future leader decided not to miss the promising performer and for several hours persuaded Maxim to join the newly created team. At that time, the team was just getting ready, so Jaritsa had to start from scratch.

Later, Maxim admitted that he had a desire to simply escape from the persistent stranger, but curiosity won out. Rehearsals, performances, the search for their way into the show began. Over time, a role appeared: Yaritsa loves to portray serious and business characters, the role of Santa Claus is also reserved for him. Maxim loves to come up with jokes and give them out in such a way that the audience explodes with laughter. But with singing, dancing and other musical numbers, things are worse, the popular performer is not endowed with either voice or hearing. However, he gladly participates in musical parodies, brilliantly performing talentless voiceless characters.
Big humorous family
The Uralskiye Dumplings team has become a regular participant and frequent winner of KVN. After the completion of the project, it was decided to organize their own show under the already promoted brand. Yaritsa took part in all projects: he was the host of the show "MyasorUPka" on STS, got roles in the series "Thank God you came", "Ural dumplings", "Yuzhnoye Butovo". With the humorous show "It is impossible in the window" the team toured different cities of Russia, starting, of course, from Yekaterinburg.

The show owes its success not only to bright talents, but also to a close-knit team. The participants were selected taking into account the characters and temperaments, so it is comfortable for them to work together. There are no disagreements and disputes, but sooner or later everyone comes to an agreement and comes up with another sketch. The guys also spend their free time together. By the way, Maxim himself loves to gather companies and quite deservedly received the nickname "Kutila" from his friends.
In rehearsals, tours and other events, not only members of the Uralskiye Pelmeni team take part, but also their wives. They listen to their opinion, besides, the beautiful half create an atmosphere of comfort and a real home behind the scenes. One of the indispensable participants and devoted spectators is the wife of Maxim himself.
Reliable rear named Tatiana
Yaritsa got married in 2000, the spectacular brunette Tatiana became the chosen one. However, Maxim himself says that he did not choose his wife for her appearance. I was attracted by her character, the ability to forgive small weaknesses, but, if necessary, insist on her own. The actor absolutely trusts his wife, and she, in turn, does not nag him for frequent meetings with friends, love of parties and noisy companies. Familiar couples believe that Maxim and Tatiana are two halves that perfectly complement each other. The noisy and eccentric humorist could hardly get along with the same outrageous personality as himself. But the reliable, calm and homely Tatiana is what is needed to balance his temperament.

The Uralskiye Dumplings team immediately approved the choice of Maxim, today Tatyana is a constant participant in joint holidays, birthdays and other celebrations. Behind the scenes of the show, she feels quite comfortable and is not jealous of her husband for colleagues and professional success.
Life together runs smoothly, a son and a daughter are growing up in the family. Maxim does not advertise the details of his personal life, but does not consider it necessary to hide his wife from the public. True, she herself absolutely does not strive for publicity, preferring to hide in the shadow of a famous husband. There are few joint photographs in the press; the spouses are not interested in social networks. But they love to travel, go in for sports together, and spend all their free time with children.

Such a family idyll seems suspicious to some journalists. Still, creative personalities are more associated with adultery, scandals, intrigue and divorce, a quiet family haven is not too interesting for tabloid readers. Not surprisingly, notes began to appear in the media about the upcoming divorce of the couple. The spouses do not comment on what is happening, but, apparently, they are not going to leave. It is possible that they simply do not want to devote the press to the details of family life, while nothing threatens her.